Look, you’ve been nailing it. Your YNAB categories are locked down tighter than a drum, your Rule Four buffer is purring like a kitten, and you’ve got your holiday spending plan ready to roll. But then—BAM!—your kid walks in the door, eyes wide, and drops the real Halloween surprise: “I need a costume tomorrow… and I want to win best-dressed.”
Pshh. You’re a YNABer. You’ve been training for this moment. You know how to shuffle your categories, roll with the punches, and pull off some last-minute costume magic without breaking a sweat.
Whether you’re raiding the closet or hitting the craft store for some final touches, these DIY costumes will barely make a dent in your holiday category—and if you decide to go all out? No worries! You’ve got Rule Three on your side. Halloween’s got nothing on you.
1. Bat Outta Nowhere
An old black umbrella transforms into bat wings with just a few snips—cut it in half and attach it to the arms of a black hoodie. Add a pair of DIY paper ears to a headband, and your kid is ready to soar. A little face paint or some accessories? Totally doable. Parent of the year.
2. Fierce Lion
With this simple lion costume, you’ll literally be golden. To claim the throne as king of the jungle, all they need is an all-gold (or beige) outfit and a feather boa. It’s as easy as getting dressed in trendy neutrals and wrapping the boa around their head.
Feeling wild? Snip the end off your boa, grab six inches of string, and make a tail. You can also draw on a beastly nose with some black or brown eyeliner.
3. Stealth Ninja
Black clothing and an extra long-sleeved t-shirt are all you need for this stealthy DIY no-dew ninja costume. Tie the sleeves around your kid’s head for an instant ninja mask. Want to grab some foam nun-chucks or throwing stars for added flair? Absolutely. You know where to move money from, and you’ve got it covered.
4. Robot from the Recycle Bin
That cardboard box in the garage? Give it a makeover with silver spray paint or aluminum foil, and suddenly, you’ve got a robot costume. Add random household “buttons,” and if the creative juices are really flowing, grab some dryer vent tubing for the arms and legs.
Optional: Head to Home Depot and wander the aisles for wires, knobs, etc. That’s what Shannon, from YNAB’s customer support team, did for her daughter. When she rolled up to the register, the cashier was so impressed, they gave her a 20 percent discount! Shannon said, “They saw my cart and were like, ‘Oh boy, what project is she trying to tackle?!’ because I had things from almost every aisle in the store.”

5. Rosie the Riveter
Dress like an icon of economic power, Rosie the Riveter, with little more than a blue shirt, jeans, and a red bandana (or scarf—we’re in “done is better than perfect” territory.) Then tell your kid to march into that party, flex a bicep, and look people right in the eye with the confidence of a YNABer.
6. Fluffy Sheep
Black pants, a black shirt, some pillow batting or cotton balls, and felt ears on a headband—boom, you’ve got an adorable sheep costume. Need to level up because your kid insists on being a specific breed? No problem! Add an eyeliner nose and you’re back in the game.
Oh wait, parents are invited to the school party? Throw on a dress or a quick DIY shepherd toga. Suddenly, you’re a modern-day Little Bo Peep family.
7. Cactus with Character
A green sweater plus some white yarn or pipe cleaners equals one prickly, yet totally adorable, cactus costume. Top it off with a pink loofah or flower on their head, and you’re all set. Need to grab some pink tights or fuzzy slippers? Easy. Move some money from your self-care category, and you’re good to go.
8. Lumberjack of All Trades
Plaid shirt, jeans, done. Add a cardboard axe or a felt beard for extra fun, and they’re ready to lumberjack their way through town. If they’re beardless, may I refer you back to the Halloween hack heard ’round the world? Draw one on with eyeliner. Grab some fall leaves from your yard for their hair, and call it a day.
9. Sushi Roll Surprise
Dress them in white for the rice, add something orange (like a towel or pillow) for salmon, and wrap a black scarf around the middle to complete the sushi roll costume. Chopstick-like props or a cardboard soy sauce packet? Go for it! You’ve got your holiday spending all sorted, so you can enjoy the creative process without a second thought.
10. Error 404
For the ultimate in last-minute cleverness, just write “Error 404: Costume Not Found” on a piece of paper and tape it to their shirt. It’s quick, it’s funny, and if you want to jazz it up with techie glasses or a printed QR code, it’s all good. You know how to make even a no-costume costume feel complete.
Halloween doesn’t stand a chance against your YNAB skills. Whether you decide to go all-out or keep it simple, you’re the master of making every dollar work for you. So relax, throw together a fun costume, and enjoy the spooky season—because you’ve already won.