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An Early Taste of the Daily Grind

An Early Taste of the Daily Grind

This post is adapted from YNAB's twice-monthly newsletter, Loose Change. “Thanks… grandpa.” The extended pause between those two words spoke volumes: I was totally stumped by my birthday gift.I carefully inspected my mint-condition set of U.S. states and territories...

How to Quit Should’ing on Yourself About Spending

How to Quit Should’ing on Yourself About Spending

This post is adapted from YNAB's twice-monthly newsletter, Loose Change. There’s an old quote that gets passed around Stoic communities by Blaise Pascal, “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” Though this idea has been...

20 Fun Facts to Celebrate 20 Years of YNAB

20 Fun Facts to Celebrate 20 Years of YNAB

Twenty years ago, Jesse Mecham created a teensy spreadsheet to help make rent and graduate college debt-free. That little side project sparked something much bigger: a global movement, challenging centuries of financial misconceptions and transforming money from a...

How to Free Yourself from Money Dysmorphia

How to Free Yourself from Money Dysmorphia

Way back in January 2012, I had an opportunity as a brand new husband to step up for my bride. Katelynn and I had gotten married in December 2011, just a couple weeks after she had graduated from college. She knew she had racked up some student debt over the past 4.5...

YNAB Templates: Blueprints for Life’s Big Moments

YNAB Templates: Blueprints for Life’s Big Moments

Life’s biggest events often come with joy, excitement, and… ahem… money stress.Much of this overwhelm stems from the costs that pile up with these new chapters. Wait, how much do diapers cost? And why is a wedding cake priced by the slice? It can feel like you’re...

5 Ways to Get YNAB for Free

5 Ways to Get YNAB for Free

Ever been at a halftime show when the guy with the free t-shirt cannon comes out? Get hyped—you're going to love this blog post. Did you know there are a bunch of ways you may get YNAB for free? It’s true. There are people using YNAB for free all over the world, and...

Can You Pay Me Back? How to Handle Money with Friends

Can You Pay Me Back? How to Handle Money with Friends

This post is adapted from YNAB's twice-monthly newsletter, Loose Change. There’s a phrase that doesn’t quite roll off the tongue: “Can you pay me back?”Even a text message can feel hard to craft when asking about money is involved.Hey! [Subtext: I am speaking in a...

4 Reasons Why You Really Ought to Keep the Change

4 Reasons Why You Really Ought to Keep the Change

We live in an interesting time. On one hand, we’re reminded to be mindful, to slow down, to live intentionally. On the other hand, the automated life is increasingly gaining traction—from self-regulating thermostats and cars that drive themselves, to apps that can...

20 Reasons I Love YNAB

20 Reasons I Love YNAB

At first, when I was asked to write this list of 20 reasons I love YNAB, I was a little hesitant. That’s a whole lotta reasons… But, I should’ve known better. As I wrote, they just kept on coming. You see, YNAB has changed my financial wellbeing—profoundly. And I’m...

How to Get Back on Track with YNAB

How to Get Back on Track with YNAB

I’m just going to come right out and admit it: I’m bad at budgeting. And vacuuming. And putting away laundry. Maybe most of adulthood, actually? I didn’t expect to be facing such hard truths when I sat down to write this. Anyway, my intent is always good. I’ve tried...

Where is the Money Going to Come From?

Where is the Money Going to Come From?

Have you ever had a financial year from h-e-double-hockey-sticks? Everything that can go wrong seems to be going wrong in the worst possible ways… and all at the same time. I’m in one of those years right now. I recently discovered I miscalculated my tax withholding,...

20 Fun Ways to Name Your YNAB

20 Fun Ways to Name Your YNAB

Did you know you can name your budget in YNAB? It’s true, you can call each and every budget in your YNAB account something different. And since the name of your budget is so prominent right there in the top left corner of the web app, it’s a great opportunity to make...

Managing Allowance: Moving from Cash to Categories

Managing Allowance: Moving from Cash to Categories

I spend all day every day teaching people how to align their money with their priorities. I’ve seen breakthroughs in individuals. I’ve heard thousands of stories from people whose lives have been changed by the Four Rules. So why is it that I have such a hard time...

Reflect on Your Spending with YNAB’s New Feature

Reflect on Your Spending with YNAB’s New Feature

“We spent HOW much on food last month?!” That conversation was the spark that ignited starting my YNAB trial, and which turned into years of YNAB fandom. My husband and I were using Mint at the time (RIP, and welcome Mint Migrators!). We couldn’t agree on how much we...

Major tax changes explained, BFSI News, ET BFSI

Major tax changes explained, BFSI News, ET BFSI

The Union Budget 2024-25, presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, introduces significant tax changes aimed at providing relief to taxpayers and simplifying the tax structure. While measures like increased standard deductions and pension benefits offer...

AI’s impact on Indian job market, BFSI News, ET BFSI

AI’s impact on Indian job market, BFSI News, ET BFSI

The Indian government has issued a warning regarding the potentially adverse impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the job market. Highlighting the pervasive nature of this new-age technology, the government emphasized that AI could affect workers across all skill...

You Can Do Big Things! | YNAB

You Can Do Big Things! | YNAB

Ever feel like your money is always riding a unicycle on a high wire? Discover a YNAB teacher's practical tips to find your financial balance and tackle big goals with confidence.

Siddhartha Sanyal of Bandhan Bank, ET BFSI

Siddhartha Sanyal of Bandhan Bank, ET BFSI

Siddhartha Sanyal, Chief Economist at Bandhan Bank, says, "Growth is improving, interestingly from the rural side where there was a lot of concern at some point of time, it looks like some of the indicators have started gradually improving. Globally, the concerns...

Can a Spender and a Saver Live in Financial Harmony?

Can a Spender and a Saver Live in Financial Harmony?

Tension is thick in the air, sparks flying as a couple stands face-to-face, locked in an intense struggle. But this isn't just any battle—it's the battleground of finances, where love and money collide!In one corner, we have Lara, a fierce spending Guardian armed with...

Confronting Your Past | YNAB

Confronting Your Past | YNAB

This post is adapted from YNAB's twice-monthly newsletter, Loose Change. There’s this person that keeps following you around the store. Don’t freak out; it’s not a stranger and they mean you no harm. It’s your past. 👋“Oh hey, remember how you majored in philosophy?...

Life Is Short. Spend It Well.

Life Is Short. Spend It Well.

“So, you have a brain aneurysm.” Last summer, my world turned upside down in a single day. I went from training for a half-marathon and helping my parents with a garage sale to sitting in the ER, learning I had a mass on my thyroid and a brain aneurysm behind my right...

Master Your Monthly Rollovers | YNAB

Master Your Monthly Rollovers | YNAB

You’re buzzing along, getting the hang of YNAB, and then the calendar flips to a new month. You open YNAB and—oh man!—things look different. Some of the numbers have changed, but not all of them. Everything is fresh, but also still familiar. You’re asking, “Am I...

The Happiness Habits Hidden in Your YNAB Routine

The Happiness Habits Hidden in Your YNAB Routine

36…37…38… Every second drags on, as the icy cold water washes over me. The frigid cascade takes my breath away during the slow count up to sixty seconds. But I endure it, even embrace it. And afterwards, my body sings and my senses are sharpened. I feel awakened and...

Stretch Your Dollars—Without the Stress

Stretch Your Dollars—Without the Stress

You’ve probably heard us say it: YNAB isn’t just an app. It's a life-changing method grounded in four simple habits designed to help you spend, save, and give intentionally. Even joyfully.But in tough financial situations, being joyful about money can be hard to...

Don’t Let Two Worlds Collide

Don’t Let Two Worlds Collide

One of my favorite hobbies is taking on multi-day hikes in the Appalachian Mountains near my home in Maine. There’s no better way to clear my mind than actually living outside in a beautiful place with a clear goal in mind. When I map out these hikes, I consider many...

Do I Have to Give EVERY Dollar a Job?

Do I Have to Give EVERY Dollar a Job?

When we say give every dollar a job, we really mean every single dollar! Let's talk Rule One of the YNAB Method: Give Every Dollar a Job. You know it (or maybe you don't yet), you love it (or you will soon), and it goes like this: Every time you get paid, you direct...

HR Pros: Eliminate Benefit Waste at Your Company

HR Pros: Eliminate Benefit Waste at Your Company

‍Sneak Preview:Great Places to Work still offer the best traditional benefits focused on health, energy, and long-term financial stability (snacks don’t cut it!).But many workers don’t have enough financial clarity or buying power to make the best use of your benefits...

How Not to Lose Your Mind Over a Single Purchase

How Not to Lose Your Mind Over a Single Purchase

This post is adapted from YNAB's twice-monthly newsletter, Loose Change. There was a period of time when I wanted a backpack. I didn’t really have a job and I constantly worried about money, but that didn’t stop me from pouring untold hours into the search. From...

Checked Out at Work | YNAB

Checked Out at Work | YNAB

This post is adapted from YNAB's twice-monthly newsletter, Loose Change. One of the challenges of being a parent is trying to operate with split attention: you want to be present for your kids but also dinner’s behind schedule… and is the homework done? You’ve...

How Does it Feel to Get A Month Ahead?

How Does it Feel to Get A Month Ahead?

Way back in 2014, I sunk a whopping 40.5 hours into an indie video game called “Papers, Please.” Have you heard of it? You play as a customs agent in a fictional Soviet Union-esque country. Every day, you work your way through a line of grumpy travelers, looking for...

There’s No Such Thing as Cutting Spending

There’s No Such Thing as Cutting Spending

There's no such thing as cutting spending. No really, there's no such thing. You can't cut spending. It's impossible. So why try? It's an exercise in futility.Allow me to explain.Let’s say you come to me and say, “You know, we're spending $1,000 a month on groceries,...

How to Use YNAB’s Targets

How to Use YNAB’s Targets

Imagine waking up every day knowing exactly how your money is paving the way toward the future you want. With YNAB targets, you can pinpoint how much you need each month for all the things that matter to you—from your childcare expenses to your dream vacation.Targets...

Struggling with Money? Don’t Isolate.

Struggling with Money? Don’t Isolate.

This post is adapted from YNAB's twice-monthly newsletter, Loose Change. ‍Ever have a bad day surrounded by people who seem to be having the best day of their lives? You might feel pressure to share some good news yourself. Let them know that you’re on the up and up...

When Human Math Beats Real Math

When Human Math Beats Real Math

Most of the folks who work here at YNAB know a lot about money. We can lay down a spending plan in two minutes without any help from a calculator or fancy iPhone apps. Many of us can whip up an amortization schedule faster than you can say “interest rate.” So you...

When Human Math Beats Real Math

When Human Math Beats Real Math

Most of the folks who work here at YNAB know a lot about money. We can lay down a spending plan in two minutes without any help from a calculator or fancy iPhone apps. Many of us can whip up an amortization schedule faster than you can say “interest rate.” So you...

How to Understand “Irrational” Spending Decisions

How to Understand “Irrational” Spending Decisions

This post is adapted from YNAB's twice-monthly newsletter, Loose Change. Buying stuff is easy, understanding why we do it is not. Certain purchases can seem non sequitur: the loner who never invites anyone to his house but builds a bar for entertaining. The person who...

5 Unexpected Benefits of Using YNAB

5 Unexpected Benefits of Using YNAB

When you start using YNAB for the first time, you expect to get your finances organized, reach some financial goals, and feel better about your money. But there are so many more unexpected benefits that come from working (werking? WORKING!) the YNAB Method. And you...

Designing Dreams: Janna’s Journey from City to Safari

Designing Dreams: Janna’s Journey from City to Safari

“Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life.” This timeless saying sounds good in theory, but how often do we pause and reflect on what it would actually look like to design a life that aligns with our passions? Moving from the hustle of LA to the...

Welcome to YNAB: You’re Right on Time

Welcome to YNAB: You’re Right on Time

‍Screeeeeech! There it was: the trash truck just one house away, interrupting my morning coffee. Another shirt stain as I shot up to make it to the curb in time. Clad in my rattiest pajamas and house slippers, unacceptable by any social standard, I couldn’t miss...

Introducing Effortless Apple Card Imports with YNAB

Introducing Effortless Apple Card Imports with YNAB

You don’t have to hold your iPhone right up to your face to see yourself. I mean, you could do that, or you could just start swiping through your apps and mobile wallet. These days, your device is the mirror of your life—your schedule, goals, priorities, health—and...

Tax Time Prep Made Easy

Tax Time Prep Made Easy

W-2? 1099-MISC? 1098-E? Check, check, and bingo. It’s tax time!Tax season has arrived, and with it, a flurry of trifold, self-mailers with perforated, tear-away edges—each containing a mathematical summary of your life in concisely-labeled boxes. Meanwhile,...

Stuck in a Financial Fog? Try this!

Stuck in a Financial Fog? Try this!

We all know that one person who’s in a constant state of negativity. When something challenging or inconvenient comes up, they say something like, “Of course! Things like this always happen to me.” And when something positive happens, they inevitably find something to...

Deciding What’s Financially Fair With Your Partner

Deciding What’s Financially Fair With Your Partner

What’s fair when it comes to money in a relationship? 50/50?What about the fact that women generally earn $0.82 for every $1 men earn?Or what if your financial compensation doesn’t match your real-world impact (looking at you teachers, nurses, school bus drivers)?What...

How to Fall in Love With Your Money

How to Fall in Love With Your Money

Swish. There’s nothing quite like the sound of flipping open the first page of a magazine. Exchanging boots for slippers after grabbing the mail amidst the freeze, I wrapped myself in a cozy blanket, brewed a cup of tea, and eagerly tore into the pages of my local...

11 Tips for Managing a Loved One’s Finances

11 Tips for Managing a Loved One’s Finances

There are a lot of reasons you may find yourself handling the finances of a loved one. In fact, you might not see some of them coming.Whether it’s advancing age, medical issues, financial trouble, or an accident or emergency, these types of situations can leave you...

4 Habits to Eliminate Second-Guessing About Money

4 Habits to Eliminate Second-Guessing About Money

This morning, I spent a silly amount of time asking myself how I should spend my time. On writing days like today, I like to ride my Onewheel down to the coffee shop near my house. It’s only about a ten or fifteen-minute ride, and I always enjoy it. Maybe it was...

Here’s what they say, ET BFSI

Here’s what they say, ET BFSI

~ Shrishti SharmaFinance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget 2024, an interim one considering the Lok Sabha elections, highlighting the developments of the government in recent past.Some of the key achievements and forecast highlighted by the...

How to Raise Your Teenager’s Money IQ

How to Raise Your Teenager’s Money IQ

You help your kids with schoolwork. Maybe you drive them to soccer or dance. There was even a time when you tried to teach them to clean up after themselves. But what about money? What do you want them to learn about making, saving, and spending money? What kind of...

Insights and forecast with the BFSI leaders, ET BFSI

Insights and forecast with the BFSI leaders, ET BFSI

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has been keeping it subtle with the Union Budget 2024. Given its vote-on-account nature, spectacular announcements might not emerge.This prompts a retrospective glance at Union Budget 2023, analysing echoes from the past year's...

Insights and forecast with the BFSI leaders, ET BFSI

Insights and forecast with the BFSI leaders, ET BFSI

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has been keeping it subtle with the Union Budget 2024. Given its vote-on-account nature, spectacular announcements might not emerge.This prompts a retrospective glance at Union Budget 2023, analysing echoes from the past year's...

What Do Swimming Fins Have to Do With Money?

What Do Swimming Fins Have to Do With Money?

One of my favorite places in the world is the YMCA. Have you heard of it? They say that there you can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal, you can do whatever you feel. 🎵🕺 Yes, it’s fun to stay at the YMCA, but nowadays, they don’t serve food and I think the...

YNAB vs. Credit Karma | YNAB

YNAB vs. Credit Karma | YNAB

Mint’s strong suit was expense tracking and spending reports, but it also had key budgeting features that Mint users have used for over a decade. Now, Credit Karma is a popular personal finance app in its own right with a whopping 100 million members, however, it...

7 Beginner Tips to Boost Your YNAB Momentum

7 Beginner Tips to Boost Your YNAB Momentum

Some models look exactly the same in person as they do in print. Fabio is one of them. I know this because I met Fabio—yes, the actual Fabio—years ago at my local natural foods store. I had recently committed myself to eating more vegetables and hatched the perfect...

Why is Personal Financial Advice So Mean?

Why is Personal Financial Advice So Mean?

I used to come home from middle school and turn on The Maury Povich Show or, let’s face it, Jerry Springer. There, sitting on a stage lit by dozens of cameras, in front of a stadium-style audience, would be an out-of-control teenager, wayward parents, or warring...

How to Do the More Money Challenge With a Partner

How to Do the More Money Challenge With a Partner

When the idea of doing the More Money Challenge first came up, my first thought was, “There’s no way I’ll get my husband on board with this.” I’m a Senior Support Specialist here at YNAB—and as you can imagine, that means my husband hears an awful lot about the...

The Goal of Good Enough

The Goal of Good Enough

Remember doing group projects back in school and, more often than not, one person would end up with most of the responsibility and would basically do the project alone? Somehow YNAB hired all of those people. And the result is workplace utopia. We have a team full of...

YNAB Revelations: The Power of Intentional Trade-offs

YNAB Revelations: The Power of Intentional Trade-offs

As I’m writing this, I’m sitting in a coffee shop in my small Blue-Ridge-Mountains town. It’s cold outside, instrumental Christmas music is playing. There is a gray-haired lady to my right telling a very animated story, and I’m enjoying a hot cup of English Breakfast....

Financial Confidence: This Is Your Year

Financial Confidence: This Is Your Year

If it seems like your money has a secret life that’s cooler than yours, you’re not crazy. You're not alone, either (YNAB wouldn’t exist otherwise!). And so much of the money talk swirling out there feeds into that feeling. “In one hand, out the other.” “Money is the...

More Money Challenge: Can You Do It?

More Money Challenge: Can You Do It?

If you’re craving a reset for your finances, join our More Money Challenge to start fresh.Are You Ready for a Reset?I don’t know about you, but the older I get, the more I feel like the holidays are something I do for other people. Don’t get me wrong, I love...

How YNAB Is Like a Smart Gift Card

How YNAB Is Like a Smart Gift Card

We've all experienced that exhilarating moment when you reach into your wallet and pull out a gift card, right? It's like holding a little slice of financial freedom in your hands. The possibilities are endless, and there's an undeniable sense of joy knowing that you...

How to Save for a Vacation

How to Save for a Vacation

So you’re dreaming of your next vacation: a cozy cabin getaway, or a wide-open sandy beach: something to just get you away from your current grind. The location is almost set, now you just need to save money to get you there.Imagine this: what if you could pay for all...

10 Creative Ways to Save Money

10 Creative Ways to Save Money

With the price of—well, seemingly everything—rising these days, it’s a great time to hone your creative saving skills. While it’s easy to make a half-hearted decision to spend less, coming up with an actual plan to do so vastly increases your chance of success....

“Not Guilty” Budget Splurges | YNAB

“Not Guilty” Budget Splurges | YNAB

Although a lot of people think of budgeting as restrictive, those of us “in the know” (that makes us sound so much cooler, don’t you think?) understand that keeping a budget actually allows us to buy what we want—without the guilt. Most of us have costs that could be...

Introducing Financial Wellness by YNAB

Introducing Financial Wellness by YNAB

You’ve probably heard of “The Great Resignation.” For you, it might not just be a buzzword. Maybe you’re a business owner struggling to find talent, an HR professional working to keep your team intact, or an active participant saying, “I’ve had it!” with your current...

We’re Hiring a Humbly Confident Senior Security Engineer

We’re Hiring a Humbly Confident Senior Security Engineer

About Us and Why We’re HiringWe build “You Need a Budget,” the best budgeting software and educational resources around. (Those in the know call us YNAB, which is pronounced “why-nab.”) For more than a decade, people have been buying YNAB and then telling their...

How Does Afterpay Work? | YNAB

How Does Afterpay Work? | YNAB

AfterPay, Apple Pay Later, Sezzle, Zip, Klarna, Affirm, Paypal’s Pay in 4…the list of companies advertising four easy, no-interest payments continues to grow. But how does Afterpay work? And could these offers be too good to be true? It certainly adds another layer of...

How Many YNAB Categories Should I Have?

How Many YNAB Categories Should I Have?

How many YNAB categories should I have? 12, 24, 158?This is a question we’ve been getting since the dawn of time—err, well, since the dawn of YNAB in 2004. It’s not just new budgeters that get bogged down with this question, either. As you move farther along the...

Financial Fireworks: Happy 4th of July

Financial Fireworks: Happy 4th of July

It's 4th of July and you know what that means! A long weekend, family barbecues, patriotic color palettes for clothing, and everyone's (except for dogs) favorite: fireworks. Here at YNAB, we think that calls for a good old fashioned sing-a-long!To be honest, we think...

Solve Money Mysteries Using YNAB Search

Solve Money Mysteries Using YNAB Search

It happens to all of us at some point—we set our keys down or put something important somewhere “safe” because we’re so darn confident that our memory won’t fail us and then we have no idea where to find it. It’s easy to forget how easy it is to forget stuff. The...

Cut Food Costs with Our Grocery Planner Templates

Cut Food Costs with Our Grocery Planner Templates

Grocery shopping on a budget is one of budgeting’s greatest challenges—especially as prices continue to rise. Get organized and cut costs with our free price tracker and grocery planner templates.Groceries have been a sore spot in my budget for years, and as the...

What is a Good Credit Score?

What is a Good Credit Score?

There are three basic questions when it comes to credit: What is a good credit score? Why do I need one? And how do I get one? It’s no secret that we don’t love debt here at YNAB, however, we recognize that credit can be a useful tool when used carefully. But instead...

7 Tips for Road Tripping on a Budget

7 Tips for Road Tripping on a Budget

Summer spells freedom! Drop tops. Flip flops. Board shorts. Most importantly, road trips! International travel restrictions and flight mishaps have brought one reality to the surface: there is so much to see domestically…in every country! National Park enthusiasts,...

What Should I Do With My Investments Now?

What Should I Do With My Investments Now?

Let’s be honest, we save money in order to spend it. Whether we plan to spend it on our wants or our needs, the goal of saving—even for retirement—is to eventually spend. With investing, you’re saving with the hope that your money will multiply and work for you. Its...

Emergency Fund 101: How To Save For a Rainy Day

Emergency Fund 101: How To Save For a Rainy Day

Ahhh, the emergency fund.It’s something you’ve probably heard about whether you’re just starting out on your personal finance journey, or are a budgeting pro. But how much should you be saving? What is considered a true “emergency”? Do you even need an emergency fund?...

401k vs Roth IRA: Retirement Plan Rumble

401k vs Roth IRA: Retirement Plan Rumble

If you’re trying to decide which side to take in the 401k vs Roth IRA investment vehicle battle, we’ve got some advice. Take your ringside seats and LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE with retirement savings. 401k vs Roth IRA As in any fair fight, our opponents have some...

What Is a Zero-Based Budget?

What Is a Zero-Based Budget?

A zero-based budget is a method of budgeting where you assign all of your money to budget categories that cover expenses, debt payments, and savings. Rule One of the YNAB Method, Give Every Dollar a Job, is a fundamental element of zero-based budgeting. And doing so...

Learn to Earn with Printable Chore Chart

Learn to Earn with Printable Chore Chart

Download our free printable chore chart and budget workbook for kids below!Having your kids do chores can be a lot like hiring Amelia Bedelia but with a bad attitude—at best, it can be more of a hindrance than a help, and at worst, it’s lowkey psychological warfare....

Money and Mental Health in College Students

Money and Mental Health in College Students

The connection between money and mental health in college students is a significant one. College is a transitional phase of life where young adults are often living away from home for the first time and find themselves juggling new opportunities, conflicting...

How to Use YNAB to Budget as a College Student

How to Use YNAB to Budget as a College Student

Need some help learning how to budget as a college student? Sign up for a free year of YNAB and keep reading!Ahh…college. The ultimate crash course in Adulting 101. You probably sashayed onto campus feeling triumphant at first—you’d made it. You escaped high school....

From Paycheck to Paycheck to Near Perfect Credit

From Paycheck to Paycheck to Near Perfect Credit

We were a family of six barely surviving from paycheck to paycheck. It seemed emergencies were always popping up—a car that needed new brakes, a roof that needed repairing. We were in a desperate position of choosing between how to pay for the unexpected expense and...

How to Turn Your Budget into a To-Do List

How to Turn Your Budget into a To-Do List

I’m a productivity junkie—I’ve dabbled in most of the to-do list apps out there, and I’ve experimented with every variety of Post-it notes, pens, and fancy journals. Nothing ever seems to stick!YNAB is great because I never have to “system hop” when it comes to my...

New School Year, New You with Printable Habit Tracker

New School Year, New You with Printable Habit Tracker

Ready to organize your finances and your life? Download our free printable habit tracker below. As the lazy days of summer come to an end, a lot of us find ourselves being shoved back into the hustle and bustle a new school year can bring. Maybe you’re organizing...

5 Budgeting Myths and Misconceptions

5 Budgeting Myths and Misconceptions

A friend recently forwarded me a post that appeared on Toss Your Budget – Why a pillar of personal finance isn’t nearly as essential as we think.The essence of the post was that budgets don’t work. Sure, the piece is older now and out of the discussion...

Home Sweet Hostel: Budgeting as a Digital Nomad

Home Sweet Hostel: Budgeting as a Digital Nomad

Whether it’s rising rent prices, the availability of remote work, or just good old fashioned wanderlust, a lot of working adults are trading a white picket fence for a passport or state park pass instead. Call them van lifers, digital nomads, perpetual travelers,...

Why Can’t I Save Money?

Why Can’t I Save Money?

Do you find yourself asking, “Why can’t I save money?” Or looking for some simple ways to do it? You’re not alone.Saving money—by its very nature—is a simple concept. You don’t have to take a 30-minute personal finance webinar that explains how saving money works. But...

10 At Home Date Night Ideas (with Printable Game)

10 At Home Date Night Ideas (with Printable Game)

When it feels like stepping out the front door automatically costs $200, it’s hard to prioritize luxuries like entertainment. Adulthood is expensive (even more so lately!) and that can really put a damper on date night—but only if you let it. Being on a budget doesn’t...

7 Lessons from 10 Years of YNAB

7 Lessons from 10 Years of YNAB

I’m coming up on my 10th anniversary of using YNAB and wanted to sum up a few things I’ve learned and what YNAB has done for me over the past decade.YNAB has helped me achieve my financial goals. With YNAB, I saw what my money could do. Based on what it showed me: I...

Beautify Your Budget with Emojis

Beautify Your Budget with Emojis

Here at YNAB, we believe all budgets are beautiful. Because of course we do—we’re all about budgeting. However, objectively speaking, there’s a reason budgets aren’t displayed in galleries or shown off on the red carpet. They’re just not very exciting to look at for...

We’re Hiring a Humbly Confident Senior Android Developer

We’re Hiring a Humbly Confident Senior Android Developer

About Us and Why We’re HiringWe build “You Need a Budget,” the best budgeting software and education resources around. (Those in the know call us YNAB, which is pronounced “why-nab.”) For more than a decade, people have been buying YNAB and then telling their friends...

How to Pay Off Student Loans Fast

How to Pay Off Student Loans Fast

Ernie, a teacher here at YNAB, and his wife Christy, a post-adoption coordinator, live in Eau Claire, WI. While they’ve never felt overly burdened by the amount of their debts, they’re not thrilled by how long it’s taking to pay it all off. Can you relate? Overwhelmed...

How YNAB Can Help With Investing Goals

How YNAB Can Help With Investing Goals

As a person who needs a clear written-out plan, *raised hand emoji* I love using YNAB to track my personal finance and investing goals. Every year on my birthday in July, I sit down and write out what I’ve accomplished in the past year and what I want to accomplish in...

6 Steps to Make Your Money Go Further

6 Steps to Make Your Money Go Further

Ok, so you need your current stash of money to last as long as it can. Sure, you might wish it were a bigger stash, but we're not going to dwell on it and neither should you. It is what it is, now let's get to work: here’s how to take your pile of money and make it...

What’s Your Spending & Saving Street Cred Score?

What’s Your Spending & Saving Street Cred Score?

As the late, great John D. Rockefeller once said, “I try to do the right thing with money. Save a dollar here and there, clip some coupons, buy 10 gold chains instead of 20, four summer homes instead of eight.” Well, actually that was LL Cool J, but it’s decent advice...

How to Buy What You Want

How to Buy What You Want

“Good things come to those who wait.” Ugh. Yeah. No one wants to hear it. So cliché. So annoying. And, unfortunately (because waiting is boring!), so true. When it comes to spending, most of us know what we should do, but what we should do seems like no fun at all. We...

We’re Hiring a Humbly Confident National Sales Director

We’re Hiring a Humbly Confident National Sales Director

We build “You Need a Budget,” the best budgeting software and educational resources around. (Those in the know call us YNAB, which is pronounced “why-nab”). For more than a decade, people have been using YNAB and then telling their friends what a difference it has...

Quarterly Checkup: How Healthy Are Your Finances?

Quarterly Checkup: How Healthy Are Your Finances?

In all of the work and all of the effort that goes into saving more money, paying off debt (if that’s your priority) or breaking that paycheck to paycheck cycle (which I would absolutely encourage you to do), in all of your effort, I think, every once in a while—...

100 Envelope Challenge (with Free Printable!)

100 Envelope Challenge (with Free Printable!)

What would you do with $5,050? Check an exotic locale off of your travel bucket list? Dive into your curiosity about investing? Free yourself of credit card debt? Put a hefty downpayment on a car? Bask in the comfort of having a sweet little emergency fund in your...

Living Within Your Means | YNAB

Living Within Your Means | YNAB

What does it mean to live within your means? Living within your means is when you are making more money than you are spending. Creating a monthly budget and sticking to a spending plan can help you get to a point where you have enough money to routinely cover your...

Managing Your Retirement Budget with YNAB

Managing Your Retirement Budget with YNAB

So, you’re living the dream. Through hard work, diligent saving, and solid financial planning, you’ve reached the long term financial goal that so many strive to achieve: the golden years of retirement. Now what? Well, your daily life is going to look a little...

Study: How Finances Affect Relationships

Study: How Finances Affect Relationships

A lot of us are looking  for two main things on this journey through life: Love and money. (And maybe some other stuff, like inner peace, calorie-free ice cream,  and the TV remote, but love and money are fairly universal desires.)Although finances and feelings seem...

My Top 3 Personal Money Challenges

My Top 3 Personal Money Challenges

Personal budgeting challenges? Yeah, I’ve had a few–quite a few. I actually wonder if many people “succeed” with budgeting on their first attempt. It took years from the time that I got YNAB before I considered myself a “real budgeter.”(Actually, “real budgeter” may...

A Happy Holiday Budget (with free holiday budget planner!)

A Happy Holiday Budget (with free holiday budget planner!)

I love Christmas. The tree, decorations, stockings, presents, carols, turkey, and cranberry sauce—the whole holiday season, really. I could go on and on. I love planning it, I love doing it, I love it all. But I haven’t always been the best about sticking to a holiday...

True Confessions: Budgeting for Retirement

True Confessions: Budgeting for Retirement

Susan is 73 years old, living in the DC metro area, and using YNAB to float through the tricky maze of managing her money in retirement. Here’s her story. My Unexpected “Retirement”In 2010, I became “retired”—a little earlier than I had planned. After a successful...

Frugal Living Hacks | YNAB

Frugal Living Hacks | YNAB

Ah, this is 30, where my goals for the foreseeable future are 1) start wearing my retainers again and 2) find ways to make my money last so I can finally start saving up to buy a home. When it comes to the latter, I’m taking a hard look in the mirror about needs...

YNAB: The Best Mvelopes Alternative

YNAB: The Best Mvelopes Alternative

Almost anyone with an established budgeting habit would tell you that their budget is more than an app or an Excel spreadsheet. Budgeting is a routine, a practice, a plan for the future, a record of the past, an opportunity for growth, a sense of accomplishment, and a...

Hiding Gifts When Sharing a Budget

Hiding Gifts When Sharing a Budget

You finally found the perfect gift for your partner. You’ve snuck it through the door under your jacket and tucked it away safely in your underwear drawer. They’ll never find it. Yet, after all that tiptoeing around, it’s your budget that gives you away! We’ve got a...

Slay Your Loans With YNAB’s Loan Planner

Slay Your Loans With YNAB’s Loan Planner

Want to find more money to pay off your loans? The new Loan Planner from YNAB can help you save time and money on your loan payoff.Loans come in all flavors and sizes. Some drive you crazy, others lurk in the corner, and some seem so large they feel like you’ll never...

Make Room For Yourself While Managing Money Together

Make Room For Yourself While Managing Money Together

When it comes to handling money together, everyone needs a little bit of their own, a little bit of space.When Julie and I first got married we were broke—BROKE—and our budget was super-tight; down to the penny, we would worry. Julie knew the cost of every single item...

Buy Now Pay Later Apps: 5 Hidden Costs

Buy Now Pay Later Apps: 5 Hidden Costs

Have you ever been in the middle of making a purchase that you knew you could only kind of afford? Like those maternity jeans that would be so comfortable for work. Or those last minute airline tickets to see your mom. Or that unbelievably on sale Hexclad pan bundle....

Piano Now, Pay Later? | YNAB

Piano Now, Pay Later? | YNAB

This fall, my wife and I dropped our only child off at college. I knew it was going to be a tough adjustment for me. So I did what any gadget- and music-obsessed dad would do: I bought a piano and put it in their room.Now, as much as I would have liked to nab a...

Best Personal Finance App for Couples

Best Personal Finance App for Couples

Healthy relationships are built upon a foundation of good communication, mutual respect, and a shared desire to achieve life’s goals together. (And other important stuff, like sharing your fries if your significant other fails to order their own and not skipping to...

How to Spend Less Money Starting Now

How to Spend Less Money Starting Now

Everyone deals with excess spending a little differently: some of us opt for an intense all-out sprint approach to financial health while others plod on with slow, steady consistency like hitting a daily step goal. Whatever your intensity level, we’ve got ten ideas on...

Top 10 Frequently Asked YNAB Budgeting Questions

Top 10 Frequently Asked YNAB Budgeting Questions

So, you’ve decided that you need a budget and this is the year you’ll finally tackle your finances! You’ve signed up for YNAB’s free 34-day trial, then cracked open the app to get started on your shiny new personal budget. That’s when it hit you: this new YNAB...

YNAB Budget Reports: See Your Spending Trends

YNAB Budget Reports: See Your Spending Trends

Budget reports! Budget reports! Long live, budget reports!You want to slice and dice your financial data every which way? Check.You want a high-level view of how you’re doing? Done.You want to get down to the nitty gritty details of a particular category? Woot!You...

YNAB Tips: Habits of Successful YNABers

YNAB Tips: Habits of Successful YNABers

This post about best budgeting tips and habits was created in collaboration with Todoist—a popular digital task manager. Someone on Twitter compared our collaboration to the Avengers coming together for the first time, and we feel the same way. Without further ado:...

20 Financial New Year’s Resolutions for 2023

20 Financial New Year’s Resolutions for 2023

Looking for some financial New Year’s Resolutions to help you master your money in 2023? Here are 20 ideas to get you saving more, paying off debt, building wealth, and meeting your financial goals in the coming year. We’ve got a grab bag of ideas for bank accounts of...

How to Stick to a Budget: Proven Budgeting Habits

How to Stick to a Budget: Proven Budgeting Habits

Need tips for sticking to a budget? You are not alone. Figuring out how to stick to a budget is often the hardest part of budgeting!Sometimes it feels like one late-night snack run, one spunky grocery shopping adventure, one unexpected expense completely derails your...

How to Stress Less About Money: 4 Simple Rules

How to Stress Less About Money: 4 Simple Rules

If you’re new to YNAB, you’ve probably found yourself wondering how to stress less about money. We’re even willing to bet you might’ve tried the traditional form of budgeting before. Maybe it went something like this:You decided you needed to make some sort of...

10 Ways to Get a Month Ahead on Bills

10 Ways to Get a Month Ahead on Bills

Learn how to get a month ahead with your bills and budget for less stress, and you’ll never have to worry about late fees or overdrafting. We’ve got some ideas to get you started.Picture this: ten bills with the same due dates and instead of wallowing in despair, you...

Get On Board With Priority-Based Budgeting

Get On Board With Priority-Based Budgeting

Budgeting is all about aligning your money with your priorities—the things that matter most to you. All budgeting should be priority-based budgeting, really. And it seems like making budget decisions that reflect what you want would be the easy part, right? It’s what...

The Five-Minute Budget Routine | YNAB

The Five-Minute Budget Routine | YNAB

I always think that I won’t like a daily routine.Don’t hold me back, Routine! Stop trying to tie me down, Routine! I’m sorry, Routine, I just want to keep my options open, OK?But it never takes too long before I come crawling back…. Routine, I’m sorry—I’ll never stray...

How to Manage Money With Irregular Income

How to Manage Money With Irregular Income

If you’re trying to figure out how to budget with irregular income, we’ve got the solution for you.We can’t change the fact that you don’t know exactly when or how much you will get paid, but we can teach you to be in total control of your money, and stop stressing...

A Variable & Non-Monthly Expense List for Your Budget

A Variable & Non-Monthly Expense List for Your Budget

If you’re building out a budget for the first time and you’re being your best responsible self, it’s important to understand the advantage of turning those big non-monthly expenses/variable expenses/True Expenses/what-ever-you-call-them into more manageable monthly...

Maximize Your Vacation Budget | YNAB

Maximize Your Vacation Budget | YNAB

Article preview:Most people want to relax on vacation but spending stress tends to dampen the moodUsing the the Four Rules to plan your vacation budget results in less money stress Your dollars have more value when they’re aligned with what matters: be clear on your...

How YNAB Makes Tax Time Easier for Freelancers

How YNAB Makes Tax Time Easier for Freelancers

MeKenna and Kat are both on the Support team for YNAB. In addition to working for YNAB, they’re both side hustlers: freelance lighting designer (MeKenna) and freelance actor/performer (Kat). Put their suggestions for managing side hustle expenses and income in YNAB...

How to Pay Off Debt Fast: 12 Ideas

How to Pay Off Debt Fast: 12 Ideas

Trying to figure out how to pay off debt fast? Good for you. Once you commit—like, really commit—to tackling your debt, you might find that you get a little bit obsessed (in the best way!) with paying off your debt as aggressively as possible…and that’s the best way...

Bye Now, Amazon | YNAB

Bye Now, Amazon | YNAB

Looking for tips about how to save money on Amazon? The answer may surprise you (but probably not). Over the summer, I stumbled into my fiancé's Amazon Prime account to watch a movie on Prime Video one night, not knowing this one click would change my shopping habits...

What is a Sinking Fund & How To Set One Up

What is a Sinking Fund & How To Set One Up

What is a Sinking Fund?A sinking fund is a fixed amount of money you save each month to prepare for a non-monthly expense like car repairs, home maintenance, or a twice-a-year insurance payment. (Side note: Sinking Fund would also be a great name for a boat. I might...

The Cash Envelope System (with Printable Workbook)

The Cash Envelope System (with Printable Workbook)

Technology is amazing. We live in a world where almost anything your heart desires is a swipe, a tap, or a click away. Communication is instant, information is easily accessible, and transactions are seamless. From a life-size cutout of Danny DeVito to a last-minute...

Short-Term Financial Goals: 4 Steps to Get What You Want

Short-Term Financial Goals: 4 Steps to Get What You Want

Ask someone about personal finance and they’ll usually talk about financial planning for long-term goals like retirement accounts and investment plans. We’ve got some advice about that stuff, too. But you know what really gets people fired up? Short-term financial...

Win $100: Four Rules to Live By

Win $100: Four Rules to Live By

Moms have a lot of rules: Don’t run with scissors, eat dinner before dessert, no screaming at your brother, be home before curfew. There is a seemingly endless list of mom-enforced rules that pop up over the course of our childhood — and, generally speaking, a lot of...

Budgeting with Mom | YNAB

Budgeting with Mom | YNAB

I think the tears started when I asked “Ok, how many dollars a month is travel important to you?”.I was sitting on my living room couch next to my mom helping her get her budget set up in YNAB. My youngest brother had gotten her signed up a week or two before, but she...

How to Make Money as a Teen

How to Make Money as a Teen

School’s out, and the hunt for the perfect summer job is on for teens! As a parent, you want your pride and joy to not only make some extra money, but also gain valuable life skills. This means helping them find a lit summer job that will motivate them to break from...

How Family Histories Strained Our Finances

How Family Histories Strained Our Finances

In the late-1920s, Lithuania was an increasingly difficult place to live for Jewish families like my wife’s great-grandparents. They had built a stable life near the border of Germany, but as the economy faltered, anti-Semitism was on the rise.One night, at a play...

How to Manage Money Wisely

How to Manage Money Wisely

Sometimes it can seem like certain people just understand money. They have good credit. They have retirement savings. They (appear to) make smart decisions about spending and investing without agonizing. They seem to make enough money to enjoy financial security while...

How to Use YNAB Focused Views

How to Use YNAB Focused Views

Your budget is a beautiful thing—all of your passions and priorities lined up in front of you, prepared to do exactly what you tell them to do in support of the life you want to live. You get to decide how to organize your categories with a budget structured just the...

How to Budget for Periodic Expenses

How to Budget for Periodic Expenses

When you’re filled with the optimism of a shiny new plan—the thing that’s surely going to help you get your life together once and for all—budgeting seems like a fairly easy endeavor. You just buy a new notebook or planner, several very nice pens in different colors,...

What is a Fixed Expense?

What is a Fixed Expense?

Ah, fixed expenses. They’re like old friends. They’re reliable, predictable—you can always count on them to be there. Expensive friends, a lot of the time. Friends you’re not necessarily happy to see. Friends you wouldn’t miss if they suddenly disappeared. Friends...

YNAB Coaches: A Personal Trainer for Your Finances

YNAB Coaches: A Personal Trainer for Your Finances

A year ago, I developed some pain in my right shoulder. (Hang with me—I’m going to tie this to personal finance, I promise.) I figured I pulled a muscle so I tried some over the counter pain meds, but it just kept getting worse. I finally went to my doctor who said it...

How to Craft a Simple Weekly Spending Template

How to Craft a Simple Weekly Spending Template

Ready to create a simple budget template and take control of your money? In this article we’ll take you step-by-step through the process of making a budget plan that meets your needs while keeping your financial goals in sight. For the hands-on users, you’ll find a...

Now Hiring: Humbly Confident Director of Product

Now Hiring: Humbly Confident Director of Product

About Us and Why We’re HiringWe’re YNAB (“why-nab”), a financial education company with a budgeting app. We teach Four Rules that create a new relationship with money—one where you love how you spend and celebrate how you save. For more than a decade, people have been...

How to Choose a Money Management Strategy

How to Choose a Money Management Strategy

After years of living in Los Angeles—land of opportunity and sticker shock—my budgeting strategy of hiding from my bank account wasn’t working. I over-prioritized my love for shopping and travel, and under-prioritized my long term financial goals. It was a decade of...

The Best Back to School Tips and Advice

The Best Back to School Tips and Advice

By the time August rolls around, parents are divided into two clear camps: Team Send ‘Em Back Already! and Team I Wish Summer Was Forever. There’s also an overlap of parenting players that could form a third team called I Just Don’t Want to Do Back to School Stuff—but...

Academic New Year Resolutions | YNAB

Academic New Year Resolutions | YNAB

Oh, you didn’t know academic new year resolutions were a thing? Well…they might be? They should be. New Year’s resolutions were kind of a bust this go-around, if I’m being honest. So yeah, as of right this second, we are declaring it so.Welcome to the new new year:...

Humbly Confident Seasonal Customer Support Specialist

Humbly Confident Seasonal Customer Support Specialist

About Us and Why We’re HiringWe’re YNAB (“why-nab”), a financial education company with a budgeting app. We teach Four Rules that create a new relationship with money—one where you love how you spend and celebrate how you save. For more than a decade, people have been...

There’s No Such Thing as Saving Money

There’s No Such Thing as Saving Money

The number one rule of personal finance: you have to save money. Why? Because it makes your grandma proud. Because everyone knows you’re supposed to live on less than you make. Because it’s just the proper thing to do, right? Maybe, but those aren’t very motivating...

Hey YNABers, Meet Blurple! | YNAB

Hey YNABers, Meet Blurple! | YNAB

Okay, spoiler alert: we’ve had a little makeover. And by little, I mean… well, you’ll see.I know what you might be thinking: "Change? Why change?!" But, as we near our 20th year helping folks like you reshape their money mindsets, we thought: what if we updated our...

How to Turn Student Loan Nightmares Into Sweet Dreams

How to Turn Student Loan Nightmares Into Sweet Dreams

Two identical figures stand side by side at the far end of a dimly lit corridor, their unsettling presence sending a shiver down your spine. They beckon with an eerie aura that's both captivating and chilling, their pale forms and blue dresses a stark contrast against...

Are You Riding the Credit Card Float?

Are You Riding the Credit Card Float?

Every time I explain the credit card float to people, I feel like the bearer of bad news. There they are, happily paying their bills (for the time being) when I roll up and point out the flaw in their plan, like some self-appointed Safety Patrol of Personal...

YNAB vs. Mint: A Better Way to Manage Money

YNAB vs. Mint: A Better Way to Manage Money

Looking for a new money management app now that Mint is going away? What if we told you there wasn’t just a better alternative, but an opportunity to change your whole relationship with money?Even the most basic personal finance app offers a bit of control in a world...

Why A Faithful Mint User Switched to YNAB

Why A Faithful Mint User Switched to YNAB

I was a long-time Mint enthusiast. Mint saved me from the money woes of Quicken almost a decade ago. It was my trusty friend as my husband and I paid off our mortgage in less than 2 years. It helped me adjust quickly to the financial realities of moving to a very...

YNAB Isn’t a Mint Alternative—It’s Better

YNAB Isn’t a Mint Alternative—It’s Better

Intuit recently announced that its popular budgeting app, Mint, will be merging with Credit Karma, a personal finance app, in early 2024—but unfortunately for Mint users, the monthly budget functionality will no longer be available. As a result, a lot of people are...

Can YNAB Keep Your House Clean?

Can YNAB Keep Your House Clean?

Who doesn't love a two-for-one deal? YNAB takes all the stress out of money management, helps you reach your goals, and reach personal finance nirvana. But what if YNAB could do more for you? Pray tell...I’m going to let you in on something: While YNAB is a tool for...

Top 10 announcements made by Finance Minister, ET BFSI

Top 10 announcements made by Finance Minister, ET BFSI

Hailed by the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Union Budget 2023-24 also being called as “Amrit Kaal’s first budget” provides a foundation to fulfil resolve for a developed India.According to many industry leaders, the budget...



MADURAI: Even now it is not late for the government to rework on the Union Budget to give some respite to the common people, former Union finance minister P Chidambaram has said. Analyzing the budget at a function organized by Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce and...



MADURAI: Even now it is not late for the government to rework on the Union Budget to give some respite to the common people, former Union finance minister P Chidambaram has said. Analyzing the budget at a function organized by Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce and...

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