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Ever feel like stress is just part of the job description?

I used to think that, too.

But after years of watching how highly successful people operate, I realized they don’t just push through stressful workweeks — they have strategies to manage it, and those strategies make all the difference.

Stress is inevitable, especially when you’re chasing big goals. But learning how to stay calm in the middle of it all? That’s a skill, and it’s one successful people have mastered.

Today, we’ll dive into some things these folks do to stay calm and avoid burnout. These habits have helped me turn stressful weeks into manageable ones, and they might work for you, too.

Let’s get into it.

1) They prioritize self-care

How often do you put yourself on your to-do list?

For highly successful people, self-care isn’t an afterthought—it’s a priority.

Experts agree that self-care leads to lower stress levels, reduced risk of burnout, and higher productivity. Sounds ideal, right?

Self-care can take many forms, from daily exercise, meditation, and healthy eating to simply taking a break when you need it.

The key is treating it like any other important task. By carving out time for yourself, you’re not just recharging—you’re setting yourself up to be more focused, calm, and productive throughout the week.

2) They practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is another key strategy that these folks use to stay calm and destress during their work week.

I can personally attest to the power of mindfulness.

During a period when my work weeks were overwhelmingly busy, I found myself frequently stressed out and unable to focus. That’s when I decided to give mindfulness a try.

I started by setting aside a few minutes each day to just sit quietly and focus on my breathing. At first, it felt a little strange and even difficult to quiet my racing mind. But with time, I noticed a significant change.

Practicing mindfulness helped me become more aware of my stress triggers and how to manage them. It also made me more present in the moment, allowing me to tackle tasks more efficiently instead of worrying about the next thing on my to-do list.

If you’re finding it hard to stay calm during your work week, consider incorporating mindfulness into your routine. You might be surprised at how much of a difference it can make.

3) They disconnect to reconnect

In this digital age, we’re constantly connected to our work through devices. Emails, calls, messages – there’s always something trying to grab our attention.

And while technology certainly has its benefits, it can also contribute to stress levels. This is backed up by research. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, people who check their work emails during non-work hours report higher levels of stress.

Successful individuals often set boundaries for when they check their work emails or take work-related calls. By disconnecting, they allow themselves time to relax and recharge, helping them stay calm.

A break from constant connectivity can do wonders for your mental health and productivity.

4) They embrace the power of ‘No’

One of the most common reasons people experience stress during their work week is because they take on too much.

As noted by the folks at Greater Good Berkeley, overwork is the main cause of burnout. They even write, “Working too many hours is responsible for the deaths of millions of people every year, likely because overwork makes people suffer weight loss, body pain, exhaustion, high levels of cortisol, sleep loss, and more.”

Highly successful people understand this and are not afraid to say ‘No’ when necessary. They prioritize their tasks and responsibilities, and if something doesn’t align with their goals or they simply don’t have the bandwidth for it, they politely decline.

Saying ‘No’ can be difficult, especially in a professional setting where you want to prove your worth. But remember, it’s perfectly okay to decline if you feel you’re already overloaded.

After all, your mental health and well-being should be your top priority.

5) They exercise

If you take a closer look at the schedules of highly productive people, there’s one habit you’ll almost always find: exercise.

Whether it’s a morning run, a midday workout, or a quick session at the gym, these leaders make time for physical activity, no matter how busy they are.

Even former President Barack Obama found time to exercise during his term. Apple CEO Tim Cook hits the gym at 5 a.m., and entrepreneur Richard Branson makes time, too. The list goes on.

And it’s for good reason. As noted by the Mayo Clinic, “Exercise in almost any form can act as a stress reliever. Being active can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from daily worries.”

Incorporating exercise into your routine isn’t just about staying physically fit — it’s a powerful way to reduce stress, clear your mind, and boost your energy throughout the day.

6) They cultivate a positive mindset

Cultivating a positive mindset is another strategy that successful people employ to stay calm and destress during their work week.

There was a time in my life when I was constantly stressed and anxious. I was always focused on the negatives, and it started to take a toll on my mental health.

I realized that something had to change. So, I decided to shift my focus. Instead of dwelling on the negatives, I started actively looking for the positives in every situation, no matter how small.

This shift in mindset made a huge difference. I found myself feeling less stressed and more in control. Even when things didn’t go as planned, I was able to stay calm because I chose to see the silver lining instead of the cloud.

Your mindset can significantly influence your stress levels. Try to cultivate a positive outlook, and you might just find your work weeks becoming less stressful.

7) They set realistic goals

Last but not least, highly successful people are aware that setting unrealistic goals can lead to unnecessary stress and disappointment. Therefore, they make a point of setting achievable, well-defined goals for themselves.

By breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable ones, they can keep track of their progress and avoid feeling overwhelmed. This approach not only helps them stay focused and motivated but also reduces stress levels.

The next time you’re planning your work week, try setting realistic goals for yourself. You’ll likely find it easier to stay calm and destress.

Final thoughts: It’s all about balance

The essence of staying calm and destressing during a work week, as seen in the practices of highly successful people, is rooted in balance.

Successful people understand this balance. They know that to perform at their peak, they need to take care of their mental health as much as their professional duties. They recognize that stress is not an indicator of productivity but rather a sign that something needs to change.

So, whether it’s practicing mindfulness, disconnecting from work occasionally, or just saying ‘No’ when needed, remember that these are not just strategies but essential components of a balanced life.

As you navigate your work week, strive for this balance. It’s not just about succeeding at work, but about thriving in life. That’s the real secret of highly successful people.

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