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The way you speak says more about your confidence than you might realize.

If you’ve ever wished you could sound more in control and self-assured in conversations, the good news is that it’s not about faking it — it’s about choosing the right words.

Psychology shows that certain phrases can instantly change how others perceive you and, more importantly, how you feel about yourself.

In this article, you’ll discover 8 powerful phrases that will help you sound more confident and in control, even when you’re feeling anything but.

1) “I understand your perspective”

Sounding confident and in control involves more than just asserting yourself. It also requires empathy and understanding. When you tell someone, “I understand your perspective,” it shows that you’ve taken the time to consider their point of view.

This phrase isn’t about agreeing with someone else’s opinion, but acknowledging it. It’s about demonstrating that you’re a good listener, a valuable trait for anyone wanting to exude confidence and control.

Using this phrase doesn’t mean you’re giving up your stance. Instead, it opens up a dialogue where both parties feel heard and respected.

This level of respectful communication can make others view you as a confident leader who is in control of the situation.

2) “I don’t know, but I’ll find out”

There’s a common misconception that confident people never admit to not knowing something.

In reality, honesty is a sign of true confidence and control. When you say, “I don’t know, but I’ll find out,” you’re showing others that you’re not afraid to acknowledge your limitations.

These words signal your determination to learn and grow, which is a mark of a confident and adaptable individual. They show that you value facts and truth over the appearance of being right or knowing everything.

Using this phrase also conveys your initiative and responsibility, demonstrating that you are in control of filling the gaps in your knowledge.

It’s about being proactive, rather than passive – a clear sign of confidence and control.

3) “I’m confident we can find a solution”

This phrase is a powerful tool that can transform the dynamics of a conversation.

When faced with a problem, instead of focusing on the challenges, confidently stating that you believe in the possibility of finding a solution can encourage a positive mindset.

According to the theory of cognitive dissonance, people tend to align their beliefs and attitudes with their verbal statements.

So when you express your confidence in finding a solution, you’re not just encouraging others, you’re also reinforcing your own belief in your problem-solving abilities.

This phrase also contributes to creating a cooperative atmosphere.

It shows that you’re not just focused on problems, but are also actively looking for solutions. This proactive and positive approach is often associated with individuals who are confident and in control.

4) “How can I support you?”

This phrase goes a long way in demonstrating your confidence and control in any situation. It shows that you’re not just there to dictate or impose, but also to lend a hand and provide support.

When you ask someone how you can support them, it shows a sense of understanding and willingness to help.

It’s a clear sign that you’re not threatened by others’ success or achievements, but rather see them as opportunities for growth and collaboration.

Moreover, offering your support to others creates an environment of mutual respect and trust.

It highlights your leadership qualities, portraying you as someone who’s not only confident in their own abilities but is also invested in the success of others.

5) “I’ve made mistakes too”

Admitting to having made mistakes might seem counterproductive when trying to sound confident and in control.

However, acknowledging your past errors can actually enhance your credibility.

When you say “I’ve made mistakes too,” you show that you’re human, just like everyone else. This admission reveals a level of self-awareness that is often associated with strong leaders.

By owning up to your mistakes, you show others that it’s okay to mess up sometimes, as long as we learn from it.

This not only makes you more approachable, but also encourages an open and honest environment where people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

6) “Let’s take a step back”

There was a time when I was involved in a project that was quickly spiraling out of control:

  • The team was stressed
  • Deadlines were looming
  • Everyone was on edge

Instead of adding to the chaos, I suggested, “Let’s take a step back.”

This had an immediate calming influence. It signaled that it was time to pause, reassess our approach, and strategically plan our next move.

By saying “Let’s take a step back,” you show that you are composed and in control, even when things are going haywire.

It indicates your ability to maintain perspective and make informed decisions rather than impulsive ones.

7) “It’s time to move on”

Sometimes, whether it’s a stale job or a relationship that’s run its course, the most confident and in-control thing you can say is, “It’s time to move on.”

Holding onto situations that no longer serve you can be draining and counterproductive.

Acknowledging when it’s time to let go and move forward can be a testament to your strength and ability to make tough decisions.

This phrase isn’t about giving up or admitting defeat. It’s about recognizing when your energy could be better spent elsewhere.

It signifies your capacity to discern when changes need to be made and courageously act upon those realizations.

8) “I trust myself”

If there’s one phrase that truly embodies confidence and control, it’s “I trust myself.” This powerful statement affirms your belief in your own abilities and judgment.

Saying this phrase out loud – to yourself and others – can be incredibly empowering.

It’s an acknowledgment that while you might not have all the answers, you trust in your capability to figure things out.

This phrase encapsulates the essence of self-confidence and self-control. It’s about acknowledging that you are your own best advocate and that you possess the strength and wisdom to navigate life’s challenges.


Mastering these eight phrases can transform how you come across in any situation. The words you choose have the power to shift not only how others perceive you but also how you carry yourself.

By adopting these confident, in-control phrases, you’ll notice a difference in how you’re treated and how you feel in your own skin.

Confidence is built with practice. So start using these phrases today, and watch as they help you command conversations with ease and self-assurance.

The way you speak is your tool — now it’s time to use it.

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