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Throughout history, women have often been told to settle, whether for security, status, or simply the fear of being alone.

But today’s woman knows better.

Just like our mothers and grandmothers had to push back against societal expectations, you, too, can push back against the types of men who drain your energy and time.

From the emotionally unavailable to the chronic flirter, these are the men who distract you from finding real love.

Let’s dive in:

1) The perpetual Peter Pan

Attraction is multi-faceted, made up of intellectual, emotional and physical elements.

You’ve likely come across a man who lights up these aspects initially, creating that much sought-after spark.

The perpetual Peter Pan is that guy who thrives in the moment, charming and fun but with no real goals or ambitions.

But as time goes on, you start to realize that this spark doesn’t evolve into a flame because he’s not maturing or growing with you.

He’s stuck in his own Neverland, living for the now and avoiding any sort of responsibility or commitment.

If you find yourself constantly yearning for more depth, for a partner who wants to build a future rather than just live in the present, then it might be time to let go of the perpetual Peter Pan.

Sure, it’s going to hurt when you decide to stop giving him your time. But love shouldn’t just be about sparks and fun times.

It should also involve growth and shared goals. If he’s not providing that, then unfortunately he might not be the one.

2) The all-about-me man

After letting go of the perpetual Peter Pan, I found myself drawn to the opposite type of man.

He was ambitious, had goals, and was always on the move.

It seemed like the perfect contrast.

But soon, I realized something was off.

This man was entirely wrapped up in his world, his ambitions, his plans.

It was all about him.

I remember one evening we had planned to have dinner at my favorite restaurant.

But instead, we ended up at a business meeting of his because he ‘just couldn’t miss it’.

I found myself sitting silently in a corner, sipping my drink and wondering how I ended up there.

This type of man can be dangerously attractive because he seems so put together and driven.

But if he’s not making room for you in his life or considering your feelings, it’s not worth your time.

3) The emotional iceberg

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “We are afraid to care too much, for fear that the other person does not care at all.”

This wise woman knew a thing or two about relationships.

Enter the emotional iceberg, the type of man who keeps his feelings locked away like Fort Knox.

He’s unreadable, unresponsive, and his emotional availability is as scarce as a desert oasis.

You find yourself constantly guessing and second-guessing his feelings.

Is he really into me?

Does he care?

What is he thinking?

It’s an exhausting cycle that leaves you feeling insecure and unsure.

The emotional iceberg can be alluring because he seems so mysterious and complex.

But a relationship should be a two-way street, filled with emotional exchange and mutual understanding.

4) The non-committal nomad

Did you know that the average person falls in love four times in their life?

But falling in love isn’t the hard part, it’s committing to it that proves challenging for some.

The non-committal nomad is the embodiment of this challenge.

He’s the man who loves the chase, the thrill of a new relationship, but shies away when things start to get serious.

He’s always on the move, never settling, always looking for the next best thing.

He’s all about the excitement of new beginnings but lacks the courage to stick around for the middle and end.

It can be hard to resist his charm and spontaneity.

But if you’re looking for a stable, committed relationship, this man isn’t going to offer you that.

Commitment is a two-way street.

If he’s not willing to meet you halfway, then it’s time to stop giving this non-committal nomad your time.

Real love requires more than just a fleeting passion, it demands depth and dedication.

5) The ghoster

After navigating through emotional icebergs and non-committal nomads, you might find yourself encountering a man that seems to have mastered the art of disappearing – the ghoster.

The ghoster is a pro at making you feel special one moment, then completely ignoring you the next.

One day, he’s all about you, and the next, it’s like you don’t exist.

You’re left wondering what went wrong, replaying every interaction in your head trying to figure out where things took a turn.

But here’s the thing, it’s not about you. It’s about him.

He may come back with a charming apology and an excuse that seems plausible, but don’t be fooled.

You deserve more than inconsistent attention and communication.

6) The comparison king

After the emotional rollercoaster of dealing with the ghoster, you might encounter the comparison king.

This man always seems to have an ex, a friend, or even a celebrity to compare you with.

Nothing you do is ever good enough because there’s always someone who did it better.

Whether it’s your cooking, your job, or even the way you laugh, he’s got a comparison ready to belittle your efforts.

You find yourself constantly trying to prove your worth.

This can be exhausting and damaging to your self-esteem.

Remember, you’re not in a competition. Love should not make you feel inadequate or less than.

7) The drama king

After the comparison king, you might find yourself dealing with the drama king.

This man seems to thrive on chaos and conflict.

There’s always an issue, always a problem, and always an argument brewing.

He can turn the smallest disagreement into a full-blown fight, leaving you emotionally drained and wondering how things escalated so quickly.

You start walking on eggshells, trying desperately not to trigger another explosion.

This constant state of tension and turmoil can be emotionally taxing and detrimental to your well-being.

Love should bring peace and joy into your life, not constant stress and drama.

8) The unappreciative underdog

Finally, after navigating through all types of men mentioned above, you might encounter the unappreciative underdog.

This man takes you for granted and fails to acknowledge your worth.

You’re there for him, always supportive, always understanding, but he doesn’t seem to value your efforts.

He doesn’t appreciate your kindness and takes your love as a given, never reciprocating in the same measure.

This can lead to feelings of resentment and neglect on your part.

You start doubting your worth and questioning if you deserve better.

And here’s the thing – you do.

You absolutely do.

If he’s not appreciating you or acknowledging your value, it’s time to stop giving this unappreciative underdog (and the others we’ve mentioned above) your time.

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