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Sometimes it’s hard to tell if people truly admire you or not. They might not say it outright, but there are subtle hints that can reveal their true feelings.

Recognizing these signs can be tricky, as they’re not always obvious. But if you know what to look for, you’ll see that admiration often shines through in the most unexpected ways.

In this article, I’m going to share 9 rare signs that suggest you’re highly admired by others, even if they don’t say it.

These clues may be subtle, but once you learn to spot them, they can be incredibly revealing.

1) They listen to you

One of the most powerful signs of admiration is when people truly listen to what you have to say.

You see, in a world where everyone is vying for attention, someone taking the time to actually listen to your words, your thoughts and your feelings – is a rare and precious thing.

This doesn’t mean they always agree with you, or hang onto your every word. But rather, they value your perspective and want to understand it. They engage with you, ask follow-up questions, and show genuine interest in your point of view.

It’s subtle but revealing. If you find that people often listen attentively when you speak, there’s a good chance that they admire you.

2) They remember the little things

It’s always surprising when someone remembers a small detail you mentioned in passing. It means not only were they listening, but they cared enough to store that information.

For instance, I once shared with a coworker that I loved a particular obscure band. Months later, they messaged me about a live concert by that band in our city. It was such a small thing, but it showed me they valued our conversations and admired my taste in music.

3) They mimic your behavior

Imitation is not just the greatest form of flattery, it’s also a subconscious sign of admiration. This phenomenon, known as the ‘chameleon effect’, is a psychological occurrence where people unconsciously mimic the gestures, behaviors, and speech patterns of those they admire.

For example, if you notice someone adopting your catchphrases, or they start using the same hand gestures as you during a conversation, it’s likely they hold you in high regard.

4) They trust your judgment

When people admire you, they often seek your input and trust your judgment. They may ask for your opinion on personal matters or seek your advice on professional issues.

You might notice that they value your perspective and consider it before making decisions. This is their way of showing that they respect your wisdom and experience, which is a clear sign of admiration.

If you find yourself frequently being asked for advice, or if your opinion carries significant weight in a discussion, it’s likely that you’re highly admired by those around you.

5) They celebrate your achievements

It’s a wonderful feeling when people are genuinely happy for your success. It shows that they admire your efforts and are proud of your accomplishments.

This could be anything from a small victory at work to a significant personal milestone. You’ll notice they’re quick to congratulate you, often before you’ve even announced it to everyone.

This level of enthusiasm for another person’s success is a rare and surefire sign of admiration.

6) They show you kindness and respect

In the grand scheme of things, kindness and respect may seem like basic courtesies everyone should extend to each other. But in reality, these qualities are often reserved for people we truly admire.

People who admire you will treat you with a level of kindness that goes beyond the norm. They’ll respect your thoughts, value your feelings, and always consider your comfort and well-being.

If you feel a warmth and respect in their interactions with you, that’s an undeniable sign of their admiration. It shows that they not only appreciate you, but they also hold you in high regard.

7) They defend you

This one really hits home for me. A few years back, I overheard a friend defending my ideas to someone who was criticizing them. The person didn’t know I was within earshot, but it meant the world to me. That act of standing up for me in my absence showed a level of admiration that words alone couldn’t express.

If you notice someone sticking up for you, especially when you’re not around, they certainly hold you in high esteem. It’s a rare and precious sign of admiration that speaks louder than words.

8) They make time for you

In our busy lives, time is a precious commodity. When someone makes an effort to spend time with you, it shows they value your company.

Whether it’s a quick coffee catch-up, a long phone call, or setting aside time to hang out, it’s a clear sign they admire you.

So if people often prioritize their time to be with you, it’s a good indication you’re highly admired by them. It shows they appreciate your presence and enjoy the time spent together.

9) They’re genuine with you

Above all, the most telling sign of admiration is authenticity. People who truly admire you will be genuine in their interactions with you.

They won’t put on a façade or try to impress you. Instead, they’ll be comfortable showing their true selves because they respect and value the authentic relationship they have with you.

If you notice this level of genuineness in your interactions, it’s the ultimate sign that you’re highly admired by them. It shows that your relationship is built on mutual respect and admiration, which is truly priceless.

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