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We often think of “plastic” people as a high school phenomenon—those who smile sweetly while whispering behind your back.

But the reality is, plastic personalities don’t disappear with graduation.

Whether in our workplace or social circles, there will always be individuals who put on a façade, pretending to like you while masking their true feelings.

This kind of insincerity can leave you feeling confused, isolated, or even betrayed.

So how can you identify when someone is being plastic?

Here are nine subtle signs that reveal someone may be pretending to like you, allowing you to navigate your relationships with greater awareness and authenticity.

1) Overly enthusiastic

Few things in life are as appealing as genuine enthusiasm.

But what happens when that enthusiasm feels a bit…off?

This is the first sign of someone being “plastic”.

They’re too excited, too interested, or too friendly.

In short, their enthusiasm feels forced and unnatural.

Real friendships and connections are built over time, with ups and downs, and moments of silence as well as laughter.

They’re not all about high energy and constant positivity.

2) Inconsistent behavior

Inconsistency can be a massive red flag when you’re trying to figure out if someone is being genuine or not.

I remember a situation where I was constantly puzzled by a friend’s inconsistent behavior towards me.

One day, this friend would be super friendly, engaging in long conversations and showing a lot of interest in my life.

But the next day, they would be distant and disinterested, as if our previous interaction never happened.

This inconsistency was confusing and hurtful.

Eventually, I realized that this friend was only pretending to like me when it suited their needs or mood.

When they didn’t need anything from me, their interest and friendliness disappeared.

Inconsistent behavior like this is a subtle sign that someone might be ‘plastic’ and pretending to like you.

3) Lack of or excessive eye contact

Eye contact is a powerful form of nonverbal communication.

It’s an essential part of genuine human interaction and can convey a range of emotions, from respect and interest to empathy and understanding.

When someone consistently avoids making eye contact with you, it might be a sign that they’re not genuinely interested in you or what you have to say.

They might be pretending to like you but their lack of eye contact can betray their true feelings.

Interestingly, the same can be true for excessive eye contact.

A study published in the Psychiatry Psychology and Law found that people who lie tend to have longer eye contact than truth-tellers.

4) They rarely initiate contact

Think about your interactions with the person in question.

Are you always the one initiating contact?

If the answer is yes, then this might be a subtle sign that they’re only pretending to like you.

Genuine friendships and relationships are a two-way street.

Both parties should be equally invested, which includes reaching out and initiating contact.

But if you’re always the one making the first move, sending the first message, or suggesting to meet up, it might suggest that the other person isn’t as invested in the relationship as you are.

They might respond positively when you reach out, but their lack of initiative could be a sign of their true feelings towards you.

5) They’re always agreeable

Agreeing with everything you say might seem flattering at first.

It might make you feel heard and understood.

But, it can also be a subtle sign that someone is pretending to like you.

Genuine relationships thrive on healthy disagreements.

It’s through these disagreements that we grow, learn, and understand each other better.

But if someone is always agreeing with you, never challenging your ideas or opinions, it could mean they’re trying too hard to make you like them.

They might be afraid that disagreeing with you might lead to conflict or make you dislike them.

6) They don’t remember important details

You know that feeling when someone remembers a small detail about you, something you casually mentioned once?

It’s a beautiful feeling because it shows that they genuinely care and were paying attention.

But what about when the opposite happens?

If someone continually forgets important details about your life—your birthday, your favorite band, the name of your pet—it can feel quite hurtful.

Genuine friendships are built on mutual care and interest.

If someone truly cares about you, they’ll make an effort to remember things that matter to you.

But if they keep forgetting important details, it might indicate a lack of genuine interest and care, suggesting they might not be as into the friendship as they appear to be.

7) They’re never available

We all lead busy lives, and it’s not always possible to meet up when someone suggests it.

But if someone is consistently unavailable every time you try to make plans, it might be a sign that they’re only pretending to like you.

I remember a time when I was always the one trying to arrange get-togethers with a certain friend.

Every single time, they had a reason why they couldn’t make it.

At first, I gave them the benefit of the doubt.

After all, we all have times when we’re genuinely too busy.

But after a while, it became clear that they were always going to be ‘too busy’.

It hurt, but I had to accept that this person was not genuinely interested in spending time with me.

If someone is constantly unavailable and doesn’t make an effort to rearrange or suggest an alternative time, it might indicate that they’re not as invested in the relationship as you are.

8) They don’t share personal information

Sharing personal information is a sign of trust and intimacy in any relationship.

When someone opens up about their thoughts, feelings, or experiences, it can create a deeper connection, allowing for a more meaningful bond to develop.

However, if you notice that someone is consistently keeping conversations surface-level and avoids sharing anything personal, it could be a red flag indicating that they are pretending to like you.

While it’s completely normal for people to have varying levels of comfort with sharing personal details, a lack of vulnerability can suggest a reluctance to form a genuine connection.

This doesn’t mean that everyone should spill their deepest secrets.

But if a person never shares anything about their personal life, feelings, or experiences, it might indicate that they’re keeping you at arm’s length.

9) You just feel it

Sometimes, the most reliable sign that someone is pretending to like you isn’t anything they say or do.

It’s a feeling you can’t shake off, a gut instinct telling you that something isn’t right.

Never ignore your feelings or brush them off as paranoia.

Trust your intuition, it’s often more in tune with reality than we give it credit for.

If you constantly feel like someone isn’t being genuine with you, despite their friendly behavior, you might be onto something.

Final thought: It’s about authenticity

Just as we encountered “plastic” personalities in high school, these behaviors can persist well into adulthood, lurking in workplaces, social gatherings, and even within our closest circles.

Understanding these 9 subtle signs will empower you to navigate relationships with greater clarity and confidence.

Your time and emotional energy are precious.

They deserve to be invested in relationships that are genuine and enriching, and you deserve to surround yourself with people who truly like and appreciate the real you!

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