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TradingView today announced its collaboration with QuickSwap, a decentralized exchange and DeFi ecosystem built on Polygon.

Through this collaboration, TradingView Advanced Charts get integrated into QuickSwap’s decentralized Perpetual Exchange (QuickPerps) interface, enriching the trading experience with comprehensive analytics and real-time data visualization.

QuickSwap distinguishes itself by providing fast and low-cost transactions across multiple Polygon chains, leveraging the network’s interoperability and robust infrastructure. To further enhance its efficiency, QuickSwap has integrated TradingView Advanced Charts into QuickPerps, its decentralized Perpetual Exchange operating on Polygon zkEVM. QuickPerps empowers users to trade perpetual swap contracts with leverage of up to 50x in a decentralized and permissionless manner.

This is a significant integration as it merges QuickSwap’s efficient and cost-effective trading environment with TradingView’s sophisticated charting tools: high-performance charts supplied with real-time data from trusted sources, multiple drawing tools, and various indicators are aimed at elevating the trading experience on a secure, decentralized QuickPerps platform. The collaboration contributes to equipping traders with advanced tools for making well-informed decisions within the DeFi landscape.

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