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For as long as I can remember, I’ve always dreamed of success.

You know what I’m talking about:

– Climbing the career ladder

– Financial stability

– Fulfillment in what I do

– And the energy to enjoy it all.

But for years, it felt like an uphill battle. I was constantly tired, no matter what I did.

My name’s Lachlan Brown, Hack Spirit founder and a mindfulness enthusiast. About a decade ago, I was stuck in a never-ending cycle of fatigue and frustration. My ambitions were sky-high, but my energy levels were at rock bottom.

I was trapped in the vicious cycle of bad habits that kept me from reaching my full potential.

Then, everything changed. I decided to say goodbye to these 7 energy-draining habits.

In this article, I’m going to share what these habits are and how you can kick them to the curb. They have made a world of difference in my life, and I hope they can do the same for you.

Let’s dive in.

1. Ignoring your sleep hygiene

This was the first habit I said goodbye to, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer.

Sleep hygiene refers to practices that can promote better quality sleep. For years, I had been neglecting mine. Staying up late, staring at screens until the wee hours, and sleeping in an uncomfortable environment were all part of my routine.

I was caught in a vicious cycle: the worse my sleep was, the more tired I felt. The more tired I was, the less productive I became. And the less productive I was, the more stressed out and unhappy I felt.

I decided to make a change. I established a regular sleep schedule, created a comfortable sleeping environment, and limited my screen time before bed.

And guess what? My energy levels started to improve dramatically.

If you’re always feeling tired, take a good look at your sleep habits. Improving your sleep hygiene could be the first step towards more energy and greater success in life. Trust me, it worked wonders for me.

2. Neglecting self-care

This habit was a tough one for me to shake. I was so focused on my goals that I forgot to take care of myself. I thought that working non-stop was the key to success.

Then, I came across a quote from the world-renowned psychologist, Abraham Maslow: “It isn’t normal to know what we want. It is a rare and difficult psychological achievement.”

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized that in my pursuit of success, I had lost sight of what I truly wanted – to be happy and healthy.

I remember one night, after pulling yet another all-nighter, I found myself completely drained. My body was exhausted, my mind was foggy, and I felt absolutely miserable. That’s when it dawned on me – success means nothing if you’re not around or too tired to enjoy it.

From that point on, I started prioritizing self-care. This meant taking breaks when needed, eating nutritious meals, exercising regularly, and making time for hobbies and relaxation.

3. Constantly multitasking

I used to pride myself on being a skilled multitasker. I thought juggling multiple tasks at once was a sign of productivity and efficiency. Boy, was I wrong.

One day, while trying to respond to an email, finish a report, and plan a meeting all at once, I realized I wasn’t really doing any of those tasks well. My report was filled with errors, my email sounded rushed, and my meeting agenda was half-baked.

It hit me then that multitasking wasn’t helping me succeed. Instead, it was draining my energy and decreasing the quality of my work.

So, I made the decision to start focusing on one task at a time. I began to block out specific times for different tasks and minimized distractions.

The result? I was less stressed, my work improved, and I had more energy at the end of the day.

If you’re always feeling tired, take a look at your work habits. Are you constantly multitasking? Try focusing on one task at a time instead. It might be challenging at first, but trust me, it’s worth it in the long run.

4. Overloading on caffeine

As a psychology enthusiast, I’ve always been interested in how our habits affect our mental and physical health. And my habit of relying on caffeine to get through the day was something I knew I had to address.

I used to drink several cups of coffee a day, thinking it was the only way to keep my energy levels up. But over time, I noticed that the effects were temporary and often followed by an energy crash.

Then, I came across a study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. The research showed that even moderate caffeine intake can cause sleep disturbances, which can lead to increased tiredness during the day.

After reading this study, I decided to limit my caffeine intake. Instead, I focused on keeping myself hydrated and consuming more energy-boosting foods.

The result was staggering. My sleep improved, and I felt more energized throughout the day without the need for constant caffeine hits.

If you’re constantly feeling tired and rely heavily on caffeine, consider cutting back. It may be difficult at first, but your body and mind will thank you in the long run.

5. Not setting boundaries

This was a big one for me. For years, I was the ‘yes’ man. Whether it was taking on extra work or helping a friend, I always said yes, even if it meant sacrificing my own time and energy.

Over time, this left me feeling drained, overworked, and underappreciated. I realized that constantly putting others’ needs before my own was not only exhausting but also detrimental to my success.

So, I started setting boundaries. I learned to say no when necessary and to prioritize my own needs. It wasn’t easy, and I struggled with feelings of guilt at first. But over time, people began to respect my boundaries, and I felt more in control of my life and energy.

If you’re always feeling tired and overwhelmed, take a moment to consider your boundaries. Are you taking on too much? Learning to set boundaries is crucial for maintaining your energy and achieving success. You can’t pour from an empty cup, after all.

6. Dwelling on the past

I’ve always been a bit of an overthinker, and I often found myself dwelling on past mistakes and missed opportunities. This constant rumination was mentally exhausting and left me feeling perpetually tired.

Then, I stumbled upon a quote from the famous psychologist Carl Jung: “We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.”

Jung’s words resonated deeply with me. I realized that by dwelling on the past, I was not only wasting energy but also holding myself back from moving forward.

So, I made a conscious effort to accept my past and let go of regrets. Instead of beating myself up over past mistakes, I started to see them as valuable lessons that could guide my future actions.

This shift in mindset was incredibly liberating. It freed up mental energy, allowing me to focus more on the present and work towards my goals with renewed vigor.

If you’re always feeling tired, consider whether you’re spending too much energy dwelling on the past. Acceptance is the first step towards change and success.

7. Chasing perfection

I used to believe that in order to succeed, everything I did had to be perfect. This pursuit of perfection left me constantly stressed and incredibly tired.

Then, I realized something counterintuitive: perfection isn’t necessary for success. In fact, it can often be a barrier.

Striving for perfection can lead to procrastination, as we may fear starting a task until we’re certain we can do it perfectly. It can also make us overly critical of our work, causing us to spend unnecessary energy on minute details.

Once I understood this, I decided to let go of my need for perfection. Instead, I focused on doing my best and seeing mistakes as opportunities for learning and improvement.

And here’s a practical tip: try setting realistic goals and deadlines for your tasks. This will help you stay focused and prevent you from getting stuck in the cycle of perfectionism.

If you’re constantly feeling tired, consider whether your pursuit of perfection is draining your energy.


Breaking habits is never easy, especially when they’re deeply ingrained in our daily routines. But remember, change doesn’t happen overnight.

Start small, take one step at a time. Perhaps begin by spending a few moments each day in mindful reflection, noticing which of these habits resonate with you the most. Then, gradually start making changes. It could be as simple as dedicating specific time blocks for tasks to avoid multi-tasking or ensuring you get enough sleep each night.

The path to success isn’t about pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion. It’s about nurturing your physical and mental well-being, maintaining a positive mindset, and knowing when to reach out for help. As I discuss in my book, Hidden Secrets of Buddhism: How To Live With Maximum Impact and Minimum Ego, the teachings of Buddhism offer timeless insights into breaking negative cycles and cultivating a more balanced, ego-free life. Through mindfulness and intentional action, you can overcome habits that drain your energy and replace them with empowering behaviors.

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