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We all have that one person in our lives who just drains our energy.

And yes, sometimes, that person happens to be a woman.

These women aren’t necessarily bad people.

They might not even realize the subtle behaviors they’re exhibiting that make them exhausting to be around.

These behaviors are often so subtle, you might not even notice them at first.

But once you do, it’s like a light bulb going off – and suddenly, everything makes sense.

So, let’s dive in and uncover the 8 subtle behaviors often exhibited by women who are exhausting to be around.

1) Constant negativity

We all have those days when everything seems to go wrong, and it’s only natural to vent about it.

But, imagine dealing with someone who is constantly negative – every single day.

These women often seem to be stuck in a cycle of negativity.

They always see the glass half empty, and they’re keen on pointing out every little thing that’s wrong.

Sometimes, it’s about their own lives.

Other times, it’s about the world around them.

But either way, their constant negativity can be incredibly draining.

You might not even notice it at first.

After all, we all have bad days.

But when it becomes a pattern, that’s when you start to feel drained.

It’s often subtle, but trust me, constant negativity is one of the key behaviors exhibited by women who are exhausting to be around.

2) Over-competitive nature

Sure, a bit of friendly competition can be fun.

It can even be motivating.

But have you ever known someone who turns everything into a competition?

I have, and let me tell you, it’s exhausting.

I once had a friend who couldn’t let anything be simple.

If I read a book, she’d read two.

If I went for a 5K run, she’d train for a marathon.

Every conversation seemed to turn into a contest.

It was subtle at first.

I didn’t notice it until someone pointed it out to me.

Once I did, I realized how draining it was to be around her.

This over-competitive nature wasn’t just about making herself look good.

It was also about making others feel less than.

And that’s not a healthy behavior.

3) Lack of empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.

It’s a crucial aspect of any healthy relationship.

However, there are people out there who lack this key quality.

Women who often prove exhausting to be around usually struggle with empathy.

They find it hard to put themselves in someone else’s shoes.

This can manifest in various ways, from being dismissive of others’ feelings to not being able to comprehend why someone might be upset.

This lack of empathy isn’t just tiring; it can be damaging as well.

A study by the University of Michigan found that empathy levels in young people have dropped by nearly 40% over the last 30 years.

This drop in empathy can lead to increased levels of stress and conflict in relationships.

4) Gossiping

Gossiping can seem like an innocent way to bond with friends.

After all, who doesn’t enjoy a good piece of juicy news now and then?

But there’s a fine line between harmless chatter and toxic gossip.

Women who are exhausting to be around often have a habit of gossiping about others.

They’re constantly discussing other people’s lives, particularly their flaws and failures.

This can make you feel uncomfortable and on edge.

You start to wonder, if they’re talking about others this way, what are they saying about you when you’re not around?

Gossiping not only creates an unhealthy environment, it also erodes trust.

5) They dismiss your feelings

We all have our ups and downs, and it’s during these times that we need the support of those around us the most.

However, women who are exhausting to be around often have a knack for dismissing your feelings.

Instead of offering a listening ear or a comforting word, these women belittle your feelings.

They might tell you that you’re overreacting, or that your problems aren’t as big as you’re making them out to be.

Studies show that invalidation can cause individuals to feel disconnected from their true selves and may result in mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

This dismissal can make you feel invalidated and alone, even when you’re in their company.

It can make you feel like your feelings aren’t important, which is far from the truth.

Everyone has the right to their feelings.

No one should make you feel otherwise.

If someone continually dismisses your feelings, it’s a clear sign they might be exhausting to be around.

6) They never apologize

Apologizing when you’re wrong is a sign of maturity and emotional intelligence.

But, not everyone finds it easy to say “I’m sorry”.

I once knew someone who could never admit when she was wrong.

Even in the face of clear evidence, she’d find a way to twist the situation and make it seem like it wasn’t her fault. It was always someone else’s mistake, never hers.

It was frustrating and exhausting to deal with her.

It felt like I was walking on eggshells around her, always trying to avoid conflict because I knew she’d never take responsibility for her actions.

This inability to apologize and accept responsibility is another subtle behavior often exhibited by women who are exhausting to be around.

7) They’re always the victim

Life isn’t always fair and we all face challenges.

However, some people have a tendency to see themselves as the victim in every situation.

Women who are draining to be around often display this behavior.

They always seem to have something or someone to blame for their problems.

They never take ownership of their actions, and they always seem to be at the receiving end of life’s injustices.

Research has shown that adopting a perpetual victim mentality can have a deeply negative impact on personal growth and well-being.

This perpetual victim mentality can be exhausting for those around them.

8) They’re overly critical

Constructive criticism can be helpful.

It allows us to grow and improve.

But constant, harsh criticism?

That’s a different story.

Women who are exhausting to be around often exhibit this behavior.

They’re quick to point out your flaws and mistakes, often in a harsh and unkind manner.

This constant criticism can wear you down.

It can make you doubt yourself and chip away at your self-esteem.

It’s about boundaries

Understanding human behavior is a complex and ongoing journey.

What can exhaust one person might energize another, and vice versa.

The subtle behaviors we’ve discussed aren’t inherently bad.

They become problematic when they’re persistent, causing mental or emotional exhaustion for those around them.

It’s important to remember that we all have the power and the right to establish healthy boundaries in our relationships.

This doesn’t mean cutting ties with every person who displays these behaviors. Instead, it’s about open communication and setting limits that protect your mental health.

Behavioural psychologist B.F. Skinner famously said, “The consequences of behavior determine the probability that the behavior will occur again”.

If someone’s behavior consistently drains you, it might be time to reassess that relationship.

In the end, it’s about understanding these behaviors and making conscious decisions for your own well-being.

After all, your peace of mind deserves priority.

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