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Do you know someone who always breaks their promises? Or maybe, they often forget they had plans with you?

We all have friends like that. The ones we can’t really count on, even if we wish we could.

In this article, we’re going to talk about these people. Don’t worry, we’re not saying you should stop being friends with them.

But it’s good to be aware of who will really have your back when you need it.

We’re about to discuss the types of people in life you can never truly depend on.

Who knows? You might see someone you know!

1) The constant promise-breaker

We all know this person. They’re always full of big promises but when it comes time to deliver, they’re nowhere to be found.

One minute they’re swearing they’ll help you with that big project, the next they’re coming up with a million excuses why they can’t.

The constant promise-breaker is a type of person you can’t truly depend on. It’s not that they mean to let you down, they just have a habit of overcommitting and under-delivering.

2) The chronic latecomer

Ever have that friend who’s never on time? Whether it’s a casual meetup or an important event, they always seem to stroll in late, often with a coffee in hand and an apology on their lips.

Their constant tardiness can be a sign of disregard for other people’s time and plans. While everyone can be late sometimes, the chronic latecomer makes it a habit.

It’s essential to remember this when you need someone who will stick to the agreed schedule. If punctuality is key, the chronic latecomer might not be the best person to rely on.

3) The perpetual ‘too-busy’

I’m sure you’ve met this person. I know I have. They’re always ‘too busy.’ No matter what’s going on, their schedule is always packed, and they can never find the time for anything extra.

I remember once I had a friend, Julie. Julie was always swamped with work, family commitments, and numerous other activities. I once asked her for help organizing a surprise birthday party for a mutual friend.

She agreed to help but as the day approached, she was nowhere to be found. When I finally got hold of her, all she said was, “I’m sorry, I’m just too busy.”

The constant busyness often means they can’t commit to anything fully. While it’s understandable that everyone has their own lives and responsibilities, it’s also essential to know who you can count on when you really need them.

In my experience, the perpetual ‘too-busy’ isn’t usually that person.

4) The inconsistent communicator

Have you ever tried to make plans with someone who takes forever to respond to messages? Or maybe they respond quickly sometimes and other times you hear nothing at all. Meet the inconsistent communicator.

Inconsistent communication can be a sign of unreliability. People who don’t communicate consistently often fail to follow through in other areas of life as well.

The inconsistent communicator and their erratic communication patterns can make it hard to plan or coordinate anything with them.

5) The emotional rollercoaster

This person is the one whose moods are unpredictable. One moment they’re up, the next they’re down, and you never know which version of them you’re going to get. Their emotional instability can make it hard for them to be a steady presence in your life.

We all have emotions and go through ups and downs. Life isn’t always easy. But the emotional rollercoaster tends to ride their feelings like a wild wave, letting their current mood dictate their actions and commitments.

It’s important to approach such individuals with compassion and understanding, as they may be dealing with significant personal struggles. However, when it comes to relying on them in times of need, their emotional volatility can make them less dependable.

Being a good friend or loved one also means recognizing when someone else’s behavior affects your wellbeing. It’s okay to seek support from those who provide a more stable presence in your life.

6) The fair-weather friend

They’re great to have around when times are good, but as soon as things get tough, they’re nowhere to be found. I’ve had my share of experiences with this type of person.

I remember back in college, I had this friend, let’s call him Mark. Mark was always there for the fun times – parties, road trips, you name it.

But when I hit a rough patch and needed someone to talk to, Mark was suddenly too busy. It was a hard lesson, but it taught me that not everyone who’s there for the good times will stick around for the bad ones.

The fair-weather friend may be great for a laugh or a good time, but when you need serious help or emotional support, they might not be the ones to turn to.

7) The user

Let’s get real here. We’ve all crossed paths with a user. This person only comes around when they need something from you. Is your car available for a ride? Can you lend them some money? Oh, they need help moving? Here they come.

But when you’re the one in need, the user is suddenly missing in action. Their absence is as loud as their demands were when they needed you. It’s a letdown, it’s frustrating, and it’s downright unfair.

The user is more interested in what you can do for them than in a genuine two-way relationship. It’s a harsh truth, but recognizing this pattern can save you a lot of heartache and disappointment down the line.

8) The flaky friend

We’ve all had a flaky friend at some point. They’re the ones who always seem to cancel plans at the last minute, often with a vague or over-the-top excuse.

Here’s an interesting tidbit: people who frequently cancel plans are often seen as less likable and less reliable. It’s not just frustrating for us, it’s a recognized social faux pas!

Their unpredictable nature can throw your plans into chaos and leave you in a lurch. While everyone has to cancel sometimes, if it’s a regular habit, you might want to think twice before depending on them.

9) The perpetual victim

Let me tell you about a type of person I’ve come across many times – the perpetual victim. This person always seems to be in the middle of a crisis. Somehow, they’re always the victim, and life is constantly happening to them.

The perpetual victim and their constant state of crisis leaves little room for them to be there for anyone else. If you need support or help, they’re likely too wrapped up in their own world to provide it.

It’s not that they’re bad people, but their focus is often too inward to be a reliable friend or ally when you need them.

10) The drama lover

Next up is the drama lover. Life’s a constant soap opera for this person. They thrive on chaos, conflict, and controversy. It’s exhausting just being around them.

The drama lover is another type of person you can’t truly depend on. They’re often so wrapped up in creating or resolving their own dramas that they have little time or energy to be there for you. When you need calm and stability, they’re likely to bring the exact opposite.

11) The taker

Last but certainly not least, we have the taker. This person is always on the receiving end but rarely gives back. They’ll happily accept your help, your time, your advice, but don’t expect much in return.

A healthy relationship is a two-way street, but with takers, it’s often a one-way dead-end. They take more than they give, leaving you feeling used and underappreciated.

Remember, recognizing these traits in people isn’t about judging them or cutting them out of your life. It’s about understanding who you can rely on when the chips are down and protecting your emotional wellbeing.

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