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We all appreciate honesty, right? But let’s face it, we’ve all come across someone who just doesn’t seem to value the truth as much as we do.

Spotting dishonesty isn’t always easy, especially when some are so good at hiding it. But according to psychology, there are certain tell-tale signs that might just give them away.

This article is about sharing those signs with you. Not to make you paranoid or suspicious of everyone you meet, but to equip you with the knowledge to differentiate between honesty and deceit.

Ready to learn? Here are 8 signs someone isn’t a very honest person, according to psychology.

1) They’re a little too good at lying

We all tell white lies now and then, right? But there’s a difference between small fibs and habitual dishonesty.

Psychology tells us that those who aren’t very honest often develop a skill for lying. It’s like second nature to them, they do it with ease and without a second thought.

In some cases, they may have been lying for so long and so often that they might not even realise they’re doing it. It’s become part of their communication style.

Here’s the kicker though, they’re not just good at lying, they’re also really good at convincing others that they’re telling the truth. That’s what makes them so hard to spot.

The key is to watch out for inconsistencies in their stories or when they seem too eager to convince you of something. There’s usually more to the story than meets the eye.

2) They avoid eye contact

Let me tell you about a friend I once had. We’ll call him Jake. Jake was a charismatic guy, always the life of the party. But there was something about him that always struck me as odd.

Every time we’d have a conversation, especially when it came to serious topics, Jake would avoid eye contact. It was like he couldn’t look me in the eyes when he was sharing a story or explaining something.

According to psychology, this could be a sign of dishonesty. People who aren’t very honest often struggle to maintain eye contact when they’re being deceitful. It’s as if they feel that by avoiding your gaze, they can hide the truth.

Now, this doesn’t mean that everyone who doesn’t maintain eye contact is lying. But in Jake’s case, combined with other signs of dishonesty, it was a clear red flag.

3) They change their speech patterns

Ever noticed how some people start speaking a little too fast or stumble over their words when they’re not being completely honest? It’s not just a coincidence.

Psychology points out that when someone is lying, their speech patterns often change. This could mean speaking faster, stuttering, or even changing the pitch of their voice.

Why? Because lying requires more mental effort than telling the truth. The brain has to work harder to come up with a believable story on the spot, which can impact the way a person speaks.

So if you notice someone’s speech suddenly changing during a conversation, it might be a sign they’re not being entirely honest with you.

4) They provide too many details

Ever been in a conversation where someone gives you an overly detailed account of their actions or experiences? It can feel a bit off, right?

Well, this is often a tactic used by people who aren’t very honest. They believe that by providing an abundance of details, they make their lie seem more believable.

The reality is, this excessive detail can be a red flag. When telling the truth, most people don’t feel the need to include every minute detail. But someone who’s being dishonest might add unnecessary details to convince you, and sometimes even themselves, of their lie.

So next time someone seems a little too keen on painting the entire picture for you, take it with a pinch of salt. There might be more to the story than they’re letting on.

5) They’re defensive

Have you ever asked someone a simple question, only for them to respond with an unexpected level of defensiveness? This can be quite unsettling and, often, a sign of dishonesty.

When people are being truthful, they’re usually open and willing to share information. But when they’re hiding something, they can often become defensive, as if they’re trying to protect themselves from being caught in a lie.

It can be hurtful when someone you care about reacts this way. You’re not trying to accuse them of anything, you’re simply seeking clarity. But their defensiveness might indicate that they’re not being completely honest.

6) They’re uncomfortable with silence

When I was younger, I had a tendency to fill silences. I’d ramble on, trying to keep the conversation going, even when there was nothing left to say. Looking back, I realise that I was often trying to hide my discomfort or avoid certain topics.

Psychology tells us that people who aren’t very honest often have a similar discomfort with silence. They may try to fill it with unnecessary chatter or quickly change the subject when things get too quiet.

Why? Because silence gives us time to think. And for someone who’s being dishonest, that thinking time can lead to uncomfortable truths.

If you notice someone consistently dodging silence, it might be a sign they’re not being completely upfront with you.

7) They can’t remember their lies

Keeping track of the truth is pretty straightforward, right? But when someone starts spinning a web of lies, it can be tough to remember all the details.

People who aren’t very honest often forget their lies. They might tell you one thing one day, and something entirely different the next. When confronted, they might appear confused or deny ever saying the first thing.

This inconsistency is a red flag. Truth is consistent, but lies can change depending on the situation or the person’s memory. So if someone’s stories keep changing, it might be a sign they’re not being honest with you.

8) Their body language gives them away

The most important thing to remember is that actions speak louder than words. People may lie with their words, but their body language often tells the truth.

According to psychology, people who aren’t honest often display certain physical signs. They may fidget, avoid eye contact, or even exhibit micro-expressions that contradict their words.

These subtle cues can be hard to notice at first, but with careful observation, they can provide valuable insight into someone’s honesty. So always pay attention to body language; it might just reveal more than words ever could.

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