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Being genuine is not as easy as it seems. It demands honesty, self-awareness, and a refusal to conform just for the sake of fitting in.

Being authentic means staying true to who you are and what you believe in, even when everyone else is doing the opposite.

Psychology has identified certain characteristics that truly authentic people tend to exhibit. By understanding these signs, you can gauge whether or not you’re living your most authentic life.

Here are seven signs that you’re an authentic person, according to psychology. Let’s dive right in!

1) You don’t seek approval

One of the key traits of an authentic person is that they don’t seek the approval of others.

According to psychology, genuine individuals are comfortable with who they are and don’t feel the need to fit in or conform to societal norms. They don’t change their behavior or opinions based on what others might think.

In other words, authentic people are true to their values and beliefs, regardless of the circumstances or the people they’re interacting with.

Remember, it’s not about being different for the sake of being different, but about being true to who you are. So the next time you find yourself not seeking validation from others, take it as a sign of your authenticity.

2) You’re not afraid to express your emotions

In my own personal journey, I’ve realized that being authentic also means embracing and expressing your emotions.

I remember one instance at work when a colleague was being unfairly criticized in a meeting. While others stayed silent, I felt a strong wave of empathy and decided to voice my support for my colleague. I acknowledged the hard work he had put into the project and suggested we focus on constructive feedback instead.

That moment was uncomfortable, but it was also liberating. Expressing my emotions, especially when it goes against the grain, has always been a challenge. But each time I do it, I feel more authentic.

Psychology tells us that authentic people aren’t afraid to show their feelings. They understand that emotions are a natural part of the human experience, and they don’t hide them to appease others. It’s about honesty, both with yourself and with those around you.

So if you’re someone who’s comfortable expressing their feelings, you’re likely living an authentic life.

3) You’re comfortable with vulnerability

Being authentic means letting your guard down and showing your true self, flaws and all. It’s about being open, honest, and vulnerable, even when it’s uncomfortable.

Brené Brown, a renowned research professor at the University of Houston, has spent decades studying vulnerability. Her findings? Those who embrace vulnerability are more likely to lead authentic lives.

Vulnerability is not about weakness or oversharing—it’s about the courage to be yourself and to admit when you’re wrong or don’t know something. Authentic people recognize that they’re not perfect and are okay with showing their imperfections. They understand that vulnerability is an essential part of forming deep, meaningful connections with others.

So if you’re someone who’s comfortable being vulnerable, chances are you’re leading an authentic life.

4) You listen to your intuition

Authentic people have a deep connection with their inner self. They listen to their intuition and trust it to guide their decisions.

Intuition is that gut feeling or inner voice that nudges us in a particular direction. It’s not always logical or easily explained, but it’s a powerful tool that can provide insight into what feels right for us.

Authentic people value their intuition and allow it to guide their actions. They’re not swayed by external pressures or expectations, choosing instead to follow their own path.

So if you often find yourself trusting your gut instinct, then you’re probably living authentically.

5) You’re not afraid to say no

Saying no was never my strong suit. I’d often find myself agreeing to things I didn’t want to do, just to please others or avoid conflict. Over time, I realized that this was causing me stress and wasn’t in line with my true desires.

That’s when I started practicing the art of saying no. It was difficult at first, but it helped me to set boundaries and prioritize my needs.

Authentic people understand the importance of setting boundaries. They know they can’t please everyone and they’re comfortable declining requests or opportunities that don’t align with their values or interests. They’re not afraid to say no when it’s necessary for their wellbeing.

So, if you’re someone who can confidently set boundaries, it’s a clear sign that you’re an authentic person. It shows that you respect your own time, energy, and needs just as much as those of others.

6) You embrace change

Life is a constant ebb and flow of changes, and authentic people are not afraid to embrace them. They understand that growth often comes from change and are open to new experiences, ideas, and perspectives.

Rather than resisting change or fearing the unknown, authentic people see it as an opportunity for self-discovery and personal development. They adapt and learn from their experiences, using them to grow and evolve.

So if you’re someone who welcomes change, even when it’s challenging or uncomfortable, you’re likely leading an authentic life. It’s a sign that you’re open to growth and are not confined by fixed ideas or beliefs.

7) You’re true to your values

At the heart of authenticity lies a strong adherence to one’s values. Authentic individuals are deeply connected to their values and principles, and they allow these to guide their decisions, actions, and relationships.

They don’t compromise their values to fit in or to please others. Instead, they stand by what they believe in, even when it’s challenging or unpopular.

Being true to your values means living in alignment with who you are at your core. It’s about honoring your unique self and living a life that reflects your deepest beliefs and principles.

If you consistently live in accordance with your values, then you’re certainly leading an authentic life. That’s the essence of authenticity.

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