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It’s fascinating how our upbringing shapes us in ways we often don’t even realize. Growing up in a lower middle class family, there are certain experiences and traits that stand out.

Those of us who have come from this background often share similar stories, and there are telltale signs that hint at our humble beginnings.

So if you find yourself nodding along to the following 9 indicators, chances are you grew up in a lower middle class family. But remember, it’s not a bad thing – these experiences have made us who we are today.

So let’s take a stroll down memory lane and identify these familiar signs from our past.

1) Hand-me-downs were a norm

We all remember that older sibling or cousin whose clothes found a second life with us. Hand-me-downs are often a standard part of growing up in a lower middle class family.

It wasn’t just clothes either. Toys, books, bicycles – you name it, we inherited it. And while it might have been a little disappointing not to get new things, we also learned the value of sustainability and making do with what we have.

Moreover, these hand-me-downs often came with stories attached to them, adding a layer of sentimentality which made them more special.

So if you find yourself reminiscing about your older brother’s sweater that became your favorite winters wear, or that bicycle you couldn’t wait to grow into – you’ve probably experienced a lower middle class upbringing.

2) Thrift stores were your shopping malls

I remember the countless trips to the local thrift store with my mom. The thrill of finding something I loved amidst the maze of second-hand items was incomparable.

Shopping new was seldom an option for us. Instead, thrift stores were our go-to places for everything – be it clothes, furniture, or even kitchenware. It was all about finding the best deal and making the most out of our tight budget.

I recall one particular trip when I found a pair of jeans that fit me perfectly. They were a little worn, but they became my absolute favorite. That’s what growing up in a lower middle class family taught me – to find joy in small things and appreciate the value of every dollar.

3) Home-cooked meals were a staple

In lower middle class households, dining out was usually reserved for special occasions. More often than not, meals were prepared and eaten at home.

This isn’t just because it’s more cost-effective. Research shows that families who frequently cook at home eat healthier and consume fewer calories than those who cook less.

So if you have fond memories of mom’s homemade lasagna or dad’s famous barbecue chicken, it’s a sign of your lower middle class roots. And the bonus? You probably picked up some handy cooking skills along the way.

4) Vacations were a luxury

For many of us who grew up in lower middle class families, vacations were few and far between. The concept of jetting off to exotic locations was foreign, and if we did travel, it was often to visit relatives or on road trips to nearby places.

Instead of lavish trips, our summers were filled with neighborhood games, local adventures, and family get-togethers. These experiences taught us to appreciate the simple pleasures of life and the importance of quality time with loved ones.

So if your childhood memories are filled with these homebound adventures rather than fancy trips, you might just be from a lower middle class family.

5) You learned the value of hard work early

Growing up in a lower middle class family often means witnessing your parents juggling multiple jobs or working long hours. This atmosphere instills a strong work ethic from a young age.

Seeing our parents’ dedication and sacrifice, we learned the importance of hard work, perseverance, and responsibility. It taught us to value every opportunity and never take anything for granted.

So if you found yourself working part-time jobs during high school or taking on chores around the house to help out, it’s likely you grew up in a lower middle class family.

6) Community was everything

When resources are limited, the community often becomes an integral part of life. Growing up in a lower middle class family often means relying on neighbors, friends, and extended family for support and camaraderie.

You might remember those neighborhood potluck dinners or how everyone would rally together in times of need. These experiences teach us the power of unity and the importance of giving back to our community.

So if you can look back and see a network of people who cared, supported, and looked out for each other – that’s a clear sign of a lower middle class upbringing. It’s a testament to the strength of human connection and the beauty of collective resilience.

7) Education was highly valued

I remember my parents always emphasizing the importance of education. Despite financial constraints, they ensured that my siblings and I had the necessary books and supplies for school.

There was a constant push towards doing well academically, as education was seen as the key to a better future. This often meant long nights of studying and making the most of every educational opportunity that came my way.

If you recall similar experiences, where your parents prioritized your education despite financial struggles, it’s a sign you grew up in a lower middle class family. It’s a testament to the sacrifices our parents were willing to make for our futures.

8) You knew the difference between needs and wants

In a lower middle class family, there’s often a clear distinction between needs and wants. Luxury items or non-essential purchases were usually kept to a minimum.

If you grew up understanding that new toys or the latest gadgets were not always within reach, then you’ve experienced this firsthand. Instead of getting everything we wanted, we learned to appreciate what we had.

This early lesson in financial management often leads to a more mindful approach towards spending in adulthood. So if you’re someone who thinks twice before splurging on unnecessary items, your lower middle class upbringing might be the reason behind it.

9) Resilience was your second nature

One of the most significant signs of growing up in a lower middle class family is resilience. We learned to adapt to circumstances, make the most of what we had, and rise above challenges.

This resilience, forged in the crucible of our upbringing, often serves us well in adulthood. It equips us to handle life’s ups and downs with grace and determination, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth.

If you recognize this tenacity within yourself, it’s a clear indicator of your lower middle class roots. And it’s something to be truly proud of.

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