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It’s a sad truth, but there are women out there who carry themselves with almost zero self-respect. The signs can be subtle, sometimes hidden behind a facade of confidence.

As a psychologist, I’ve learned to recognize these signs. They’re red flags that shout ‘low self-esteem’ and ‘lack of self-worth’. It’s heartbreaking to see, but recognizing them is the first step towards positive change.

In this article, I’m going to share with you 9 signs that a woman has almost zero self-respect, all backed by psychology. The aim is not to judge, but to understand and help.

So, let’s dive in.

1) Constant self-deprecation

It’s not uncommon to hear someone making a joke at their own expense. It can be a sign of humility or a sense of humor. But when it becomes a constant pattern, we’re dealing with a deeper issue.

Self-deprecating humor can be a mask for low self-respect. It’s an attempt to beat others to the punchline, to make the criticism before anyone else can.

In psychology, we often see this as a defense mechanism. The individual is trying to protect themselves from the pain of potential criticism by being the first one to point out their flaws.

But it’s not healthy. Constant self-deprecation is a sign that the woman doesn’t value herself and sees herself through a negative lens.

Recognizing this pattern is the beginning of understanding that she needs help in boosting her self-esteem and respect.

2) Always seeking validation

In my own life, I’ve seen a clear example of this. A close friend of mine, let’s call her Lisa, was constantly seeking validation from others. Whether it was her physical appearance or her work performance, she always needed someone else to affirm her worth.

Even after landing a fantastic job, she would still question her capabilities and seek reassurance from others that she was doing well. If she didn’t get the praise she expected, she would feel dejected and start doubting herself.

Psychologically speaking, this constant need for validation from others is a sign of low self-respect. It shows that Lisa was not able to value herself independently of the opinions of others. She was basing her self-worth on external approval rather than building it from within.

This is a common sign that a woman lacks self-respect; she constantly looks to others to tell her that she’s worthy, instead of believing it herself.

3) Tolerating toxic relationships

Did you know that people with low self-respect often find themselves in toxic relationships? As strange as it may sound, it’s true. They tend to believe they don’t deserve better and end up sticking around in relationships that are harmful to their mental health.

This is because they often mistake the need for love, with accepting mistreatment. They might think, “If I don’t put up with this, maybe no one else will love me.”

This is a clear sign of low self-respect. A woman who respects herself knows that she deserves to be treated with kindness, love, and respect. She won’t tolerate being disrespected or mistreated, and she definitely won’t stick around in a toxic relationship.

4) Neglecting personal needs

Another sign that a woman lacks self-respect is the constant neglect of her personal needs. She might put others’ needs before her own to the point of self-deprivation. This isn’t about being generous or caring; it’s about sacrificing her own well-being for others.

It might mean skipping meals to finish tasks for others, disregarding her health to meet someone else’s demands, or even neglecting her hobbies and interests.

This kind of self-neglect is not a virtue, but rather a sign that she doesn’t value herself enough to prioritize her own needs. A woman with self-respect understands the importance of taking care of herself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

5) Fear of saying ‘No’

A common sign of low self-respect is the fear of saying ‘no’. This fear often stems from the worry of disappointing others or coming off as selfish.

She might find herself taking on extra work, even when she’s overwhelmed, agreeing to social plans she’s not interested in, or staying in relationships that don’t make her happy.

The inability to say ‘no’ shows that she values other people’s happiness and approval more than her own well-being. It’s critical to remember that it’s okay to say ‘no’. A woman with self-respect knows her limits and isn’t afraid to set boundaries.

6) Over-apologizing

Have you ever noticed someone always saying ‘sorry’, even when it’s not necessary? It’s heartbreaking to see. It’s as if they feel the need to apologize for their very existence.

This perpetual cycle of apologizing often indicates a lack of self-respect. She feels she must apologize for everything, thinking she’s constantly at fault. It could be for trivial things, like bumping into an inanimate object, or for expressing her feelings and opinions.

This constant need to apologize shows that she feels lesser than others. But it’s important to remember that everyone deserves to take up space and express their thoughts without feeling guilty or apologetic. A woman with self-respect understands this and doesn’t feel the need to say ‘sorry’ unnecessarily.

7) The comparison game

I remember being part of a book club where one member, Sarah, would constantly compare herself to others. She’d compare her looks, her job, her relationship, even her reading speed with others. It was clear she was never content with who she was or what she had.

This constant comparison with others is a telltale sign of low self-respect. Sarah was indirectly telling herself that she wasn’t good enough unless she matched or surpassed others. It’s a harmful cycle that can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

A woman with self-respect recognizes her unique worth and doesn’t measure her value against the achievements or possessions of others.

8) Accepting disrespect

Another sign of low self-respect in women is when they tolerate disrespect from others. Whether it’s derogatory comments, dismissive behavior, or even outright abuse, they accept it without standing up for themselves.

This acceptance often stems from the belief that they’re not worthy of respect or that they deserve the treatment they’re getting. This is far from the truth. Everyone deserves respect and should never tolerate being treated poorly.

A woman with self-respect understands her worth and demands respect in all her relationships and interactions. She knows that she deserves to be treated with dignity and doesn’t settle for less.

9) Ignoring her intuition

The most important thing to note is that a woman with low self-respect often ignores her intuition. Intuition is our inner guide, our gut feeling. When she constantly second-guesses herself or dismisses her own instincts, it’s a sign that she doesn’t trust or value her own judgment.

She might stay in situations or relationships that don’t feel right, despite her gut telling her otherwise. This disregard for her intuition shows a lack of self-respect.

But remember, a woman with self-respect trusts herself. She listens to her intuition and uses it as a guide in making decisions about her life.

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