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We all have moments in life where we can’t see the forest for the trees, where we feel adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, can be our guide through these trying times. His teachings, born from unimaginable hardship, provide a roadmap to finding meaning in life.

In this article, I’ll share 10 lessons from Frankl that have personally helped me navigate my own rough patches. They’re not quick fixes, but wisdom to ponder on and apply when you’re feeling lost.

So let’s dive into these lessons and find our way back to ourselves.

1) Life is about meaning

One of the core teachings of Viktor Frankl is that life isn’t about pursuing happiness, but rather about finding meaning.

Frankl, having survived the Holocaust, understood that life is filled with suffering. But he also believed that even in the midst of despair, we can find purpose.

The lesson here is that when we feel lost, we may be focusing too much on trying to achieve happiness. Instead, we should be searching for what gives our life meaning.

That could be anything from caring for a loved one, contributing to your community, or pursuing a passion project. The key is to find what makes your life worthwhile and focus on that.

This shift in perspective doesn’t make the challenges of life disappear. But it can give you the strength to face them head on. Remember, it’s not about avoiding suffering but finding purpose within it. This is a powerful guidepost when you’re feeling lost in life.

2) Freedom of choice

Frankl firmly believed in the power of personal choice. He suggested that no matter the circumstance, we always retain the freedom to choose how we respond.

I remember a time in my life when I felt trapped in a job I didn’t enjoy. The tasks were mundane, my boss was difficult, and I felt my creativity stifling under the weight of corporate conformity.

But then, I remembered Frankl’s words about choosing our own attitudes. In that moment, I realized that although I couldn’t immediately change my job, I did have the power to change my attitude towards it.

I started to look at the job as a stepping stone rather than a life sentence. I chose to see the difficult boss as a challenge to overcome and the mundane tasks as opportunities to find efficiency and improvement.

This shift in perspective made a huge difference. I felt less trapped and more in control. It didn’t change my situation overnight, but it did make it more bearable.

Frankl’s lesson reminds us that even when we feel lost or trapped, we still have the freedom to choose our attitude and responses. This can be a powerful tool in navigating through life’s challenges.

3) Embrace suffering

While most of us seek to avoid suffering, Viktor Frankl taught that we should embrace it. He saw suffering as an inevitable part of life and believed it held the potential for profound personal growth.

Frankl was a survivor of Auschwitz, one of the most brutal concentration camps during the Holocaust. His experiences led him to develop a form of therapy known as logotherapy. This therapy focuses on finding meaning in life, even in the midst of suffering.

In fact, Frankl once stated that “In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning.”

To put it simply, we can find growth and enlightenment amidst our struggles. Rather than running from pain, we can use it as an opportunity to learn about ourselves and find deeper meaning in our existence. This lesson from Frankl can offer solace and strength to anyone feeling lost or overwhelmed by hardships.

4) Live as if you were living for the second time

Frankl proposed a thought experiment that encourages us to live as if we were doing it all over again, but with full awareness of the mistakes we made the first time around. He called this “living as if you were living already for the second time.”

This perspective can bring clarity and purpose when we feel lost. It prompts us to consider our actions and choices in a new light.

Imagine if you had a second chance at life, knowing what you know now. Would you make the same decisions or take a different path?

This exercise isn’t about regret or dwelling on past mistakes. Instead, it’s about using past experiences to guide your present and future actions. It’s about making the most of each moment, because in reality, we only have one shot at this life.

So when you’re feeling unsure or adrift, try looking at your life from this perspective. It could provide the direction and purpose you’re seeking.

5) Love is the ultimate goal

Frankl believed that the highest goal of human life is to love. He suggested that in our search for meaning, we often discover it through our connections with others.

This isn’t restricted to romantic love. It includes deep friendships, family bonds, and even fleeting connections with strangers. It’s about showing kindness, empathy, and compassion in our daily interactions.

When we feel lost, it can be easy to withdraw and isolate ourselves. But Frankl encourages us to do the opposite – to reach out and connect with others. Through these connections, we can find a sense of purpose and belonging.

So remember, when you’re feeling adrift, don’t hesitate to lean on your relationships. Express your feelings, share your struggles, and allow the power of love to bring meaning back into your life.

6) Hope is essential

Frankl often spoke about the power of hope. Even in the direst circumstances, he believed that maintaining hope was key to survival.

When you’re feeling lost, it’s easy to succumb to despair and think things will never get better. But it’s in these moments, Frankl teaches us, that holding onto hope becomes more important than ever.

Hope is what keeps us moving forward. It’s the belief that even if we’re currently in the dark, there will be light at the end of the tunnel. It’s the trust we place in ourselves and our potential to overcome whatever life throws at us.

Embracing hope can be a challenge, especially when you’re feeling down. But remember, darkness is always at its peak just before dawn. So hold on to that hope, and let it guide you back towards the light.

7) Inner freedom can’t be taken away

Frankl teaches us that even in the most oppressive circumstances, we still possess a freedom that can’t be taken away – the freedom to choose our attitude towards our situation.

I remember a period in my life where I felt stuck and hopeless. A series of unfortunate events seemed to conspire against me, leaving me in a state of despair. It felt like all my freedom had been stripped away.

But amidst the turmoil, I found solace in Frankl’s words. I realized that while I couldn’t control my circumstances, I could control how I reacted to them. This realization was a turning point for me.

I chose not to let my circumstances define me. Instead, I decided to view them as challenges to overcome, as stepping stones towards becoming a stronger version of myself.

This lesson from Frankl can be a beacon of hope when you’re feeling lost. No matter what life throws at you, remember that your inner freedom – your attitude and responses – remains yours and yours alone.

8) Power in powerlessness

One of Frankl’s lesser-known teachings is the idea that there’s a certain strength to be found in acknowledging our powerlessness.

At first glance, this might seem strange. After all, we’re often taught to seize control and take charge of our lives. But Frankl suggests that recognizing our inability to change certain things can actually be liberating.

When we accept that there are things beyond our control, we free ourselves from the burden of trying to alter them. This allows us to focus our energy on what we can change – our attitude and response.

So when you’re feeling lost, instead of struggling against the tide, consider embracing the uncertainty. Surrender to the things you cannot control, and focus on steering your own inner ship. This shift in mindset can bring about a sense of peace and resilience.

9) All moments matter

Frankl believed in the value of every moment. He taught that each minute of our lives holds potential for learning and growth, even the ones filled with hardship or mundane routine.

When feeling lost, it’s easy to dismiss our current experiences as unimportant or unworthy. We might feel like our life is on hold until we find our way again.

But Frankl encourages us to see the value in each moment. It’s in the everyday tasks, the quiet moments of reflection, the struggles, and the joys where we find meaning and purpose.

So, take a deep breath and look around you. Be present in your life as it is right now. Each moment is a chance to grow, to learn, and to move closer to the person you want to be. Don’t let them pass you by unnoticed.

10) You are the author of your life

Perhaps the most significant lesson from Viktor Frankl is this: You are the author of your own life.

Each of us holds the pen. We have the power to write our own narrative, to shape our destiny, and to find meaning in our individual journey.

Life may present us with a set of circumstances, but it’s up to us how we interpret them, how we respond, and ultimately, how we move forward.

Your story is unique. It’s filled with triumphs and failures, joy and sorrow. But most importantly, it’s yours. You have the power to turn the page, start a new chapter, or even rewrite your story entirely.

So even when you feel lost, remember that you have the power to find your way. Your life’s purpose isn’t something that’s handed to you – it’s something you create.

Your pen is in your hand. It’s time to start writing.

Ultimately, it’s about finding meaning

At the heart of Viktor Frankl’s teachings is the profound belief in our individual quest for meaning. This belief, born from his own harrowing experiences, asserts that our lives gain purpose not from external accolades or achievements, but from the meanings we assign to our experiences.

Each of us is on a unique journey, often marked by periods of doubt and confusion. Feeling lost isn’t a sign of failure but rather a testament to our human capacity for growth and self-discovery.

Frankl once said, “Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’”. These words serve as a reminder that having a purpose or a ‘why’ in life provides resilience against adversity.

So, whether you’re feeling lost or are on the verge of self-discovery, remember that your journey is yours alone. Embrace it, learn from it, and most importantly, find your ‘why’.

Your path may not be clear right now, but rest assured that each step you take is bringing you closer to finding your own unique meaning in life.

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