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There’s a major difference between being genuinely lovely and having high self-worth.

Sadly, the two don’t always go hand in hand.

You see, even the most wonderful woman can struggle with feelings of low self-worth. And it’s not always easy to spot, even for the woman herself.

Psychology gives us some clues to look out for.

Here are 8 signs that a truly amazing woman lacks self-confidence, according to psychology. This isn’t about pointing fingers or making judgments. It’s about understanding and offering support where it’s needed.

So let’s dive right in.

1) Over-apologizing

Isn’t it funny how some people say “sorry” for everything?

Even when it’s not their fault, they apologize. You might think they’re just being polite, but psychology tells us, it could be a sign of low self-worth.

Apologizing often is a way of seeking validation. It’s as if they feel they’re always in the wrong, always stepping on toes.

Lovely as they are, these women are constantly worried about causing inconvenience or trouble for others.

But here’s the thing. They don’t realize that they have every right to occupy space and express their opinions just like everyone else.

Over-apologizing can be a sign that a woman doesn’t value herself enough. And it’s something we need to watch out for, to support and reassure her that she doesn’t need to be sorry for existing.

2) Downplaying accomplishments

I remember a dear friend of mine, let’s call her Jane. Jane was one of the most brilliant people I knew. She aced every test, won numerous awards and was admired by everyone around her.

But you know what? Jane would always downplay her accomplishments. Whenever someone praised her, she’d shrug it off as if it were nothing, saying things like “Oh, I just got lucky” or “It wasn’t a big deal”.

Jane could never accept that she was genuinely talented and deserving of her success. It wasn’t false modesty. It was a deep-seated belief that she wasn’t good enough.

Psychology tells us that this is a common trait among women with low self-worth. They fail to acknowledge their achievements and constantly belittle themselves.

It’s heartbreaking because these lovely women are truly exceptional but they just don’t see it.

3) Constantly seeking reassurance

You’d be surprised to learn that even the strongest, most independent women can fall into this pattern.

Women with low self-worth may often seek reassurance from others, asking for their opinions or validation constantly. They may second-guess their decisions and frequently need others to reassure them that they’ve made the right choice.

This is because they struggle to trust their own judgement. They rely on others for approval, feeling uncertain unless someone else confirms that they’re on the right track.

While it’s normal to ask for advice or second opinions occasionally, constant reassurance-seeking can be a sign of low self-esteem. These women are incredible in their own right, but they struggle to see it themselves.

4) Neglecting self-care

When a woman has low self-worth, she may often neglect her own needs and self-care. She might prioritize everyone else’s needs above her own, even to the point of exhaustion.

She may feel guilty taking time for herself, or believe she doesn’t deserve rest or relaxation. This could manifest in skipping meals, not getting enough sleep, or neglecting hobbies and activities that she used to enjoy.

Remember, self-care isn’t selfish. It’s essential. And if a lovely woman you know is consistently putting herself last, it may be a sign she’s struggling with low self-esteem.

5) Struggling to accept compliments

Have you ever seen a beautiful flower shy away from the sun? It’s as if they’re saying, “No, not me. I don’t deserve the light.” This is often how genuinely lovely women with low self-worth react to compliments.

Compliments are like sunlight for our self-esteem. They help us grow, bloom, and feel good about ourselves. But when a woman has low self-worth, she may struggle to accept these rays of positivity.

She might brush off compliments, or deflect them back to the person giving them. Instead of soaking up the praise, she might feel uncomfortable or even unworthy.

It’s heartbreaking because these women are like beautiful flowers that deserve all the sunlight in the world. They just need to realize it for themselves.

6) Comparing herself to others

I’ve been there myself. You look at others, their lives, their successes, and you can’t help but feel inadequate in comparison. I used to do it all the time, comparing my behind-the-scenes to everyone else’s highlight reel.

Women with low self-worth often fall into the trap of comparison. They look at other women – their looks, their achievements, their relationships – and feel they fall short.

This comparison game is a dangerous one. It fuels feelings of inadequacy and amplifies self-doubt.

What we need to remember is that we are not in competition with anyone else. Our worth is not defined by how we stack up against others. The only person we should strive to be better than is the person we were yesterday.

7) Avoiding confrontation

Women with low self-worth often avoid confrontation at all costs. They may go to great lengths to keep the peace, even if it means suppressing their own feelings or needs.

They might not express disagreement, or stand up for themselves when they’re being treated unfairly. They often fear that asserting themselves might lead to rejection or conflict.

But it’s important to understand that everyone has the right to voice their opinions and feelings. Avoiding confrontation habitually can be an indication of low self-esteem. These women need to realize that voicing their needs and boundaries is not only okay, it’s essential.

8) Putting herself down

This is perhaps one of the most telling signs. A woman with low self-worth often speaks negatively about herself. She might make self-deprecating jokes or always find fault in her actions.

She might see herself as lesser, not good enough, or always falling short. This isn’t humility or modesty, it’s an indication of a deep-seated belief she holds about her worth.

Remember, the way we talk about ourselves shapes our reality. It’s crucial to speak kindly to ourselves. And if you encounter a lovely woman who consistently puts herself down, remind her of her worth. Because she deserves to know just how wonderful she truly is.

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