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We all like to believe we’re good people at heart. We help others when we can, say please and thank you, and generally try to do the right thing.

But what if there are subtle signs that we’re not as good as we think we are? Psychology says there might be.

Here’s the thing. It’s easy to overlook our own flaws and see only our best qualities. But sometimes, it’s important to take a hard look at ourselves.

So, let’s dive in. Here are eight signs, backed by psychology, that you might not be as good a person as you think you are.

Don’t worry though, recognizing these signs is the first step towards self-improvement. So brace yourself and read on.

1) You’re always the victim

Ever noticed that in every story, you’re always the one being wronged? Well, according to psychology, playing the perpetual victim might indicate that you’re not as good a person as you think.

It’s a common trait amongst people who avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Instead, they shift the blame onto others to keep their self-image clean.

Of course, we all have times when we’re wronged. But if you find yourself always on the receiving end and never the one apologizing or admitting a mistake, it may be time to self-reflect.

Remember, being a good person means acknowledging your missteps and learning from them. Not doing so not only hampers your personal growth but also strains your relationships.

2) You lack empathy

Now, this one hit close to home for me. I remember a time when my friend was going through a rough patch and I, well, I just couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about. It seemed like she was overreacting over nothing.

But that’s just it – I failed to put myself in her shoes. I didn’t empathize with her situation or feelings. And that’s a classic sign of not being entirely good, according to psychology.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s about acknowledging their pain, their joy, their struggles, and their victories as if they were your own.

Not being able to empathize can make you seem insensitive and self-centered. So if you find yourself struggling to relate to others’ emotions, it might be time for some introspection. It’s not just about being good for others; it’s about enriching your own emotional experience as well.

3) You’re manipulative

Manipulation is a trait often associated with the Dark Triad of personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. It’s a sneaky way of getting what you want without considering the feelings or well-being of others.

Manipulative people often use others as a means to an end. They can twist words, situations, and emotions to serve their purpose – all while making it seem like they’re doing you a favor.

If you find yourself frequently manipulating situations or people to suit your needs, it’s not a good sign. Being honest and straightforward might seem tougher, but it’s a key characteristic of a genuinely good person.

4) You’re often unkind

Kindness is one of the most telling traits of a good person. It shows a willingness to put the needs and feelings of others before your own. If you’re often unkind or rude, it’s a clear sign that you might not be as good as you think.

Unkindness can manifest in several ways – from harsh words and impolite behavior to outright hostility or aggression. It reflects a lack of respect for others and a disregard for their feelings.

Remember, being kind doesn’t mean you always have to agree with everyone or that you can never stand up for yourself. It simply means treating others with dignity and respect, regardless of the situation. If this isn’t something you do regularly, it might be time to reassess your behavior.

5) You struggle with forgiveness

Forgiving someone who has wronged you can feel like swallowing a bitter pill. It’s hard, it’s uncomfortable, but ultimately, it’s healing. If you find it hard to forgive others, it might be a sign that you’re not as good a person as you think.

Holding onto grudges and resentment only breeds negativity. It weighs you down and prevents you from moving forward. On the other hand, forgiveness allows for growth and healing, both for you and for the person you’re forgiving.

Remember, forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting or condoning the wrong done to you. It simply means letting go of the pain and anger associated with it. It’s a sign of strength and compassion – two qualities inherent in truly good people. If forgiveness is something you struggle with, it could be an area you need to work on.

6) You’re not honest with yourself

This one is a little tricky. I’ve always thought of myself as an honest person. I mean, I don’t lie or cheat. But when it came to being honest with myself, that was a whole different story.

I found myself making excuses for my actions, downplaying my mistakes, and even ignoring my own feelings. It was easier than confronting the truth – that I wasn’t perfect and I had things to work on.

But here’s what psychology says – not being honest with ourselves is a sign that we’re not entirely good. It shows a lack of self-awareness and hinders our growth as individuals.

Being good means acknowledging our flaws, owning up to our mistakes, and working on improving ourselves. It’s about being real and authentic, even when it’s uncomfortable. So if you, like me, struggle with this, it’s something to think about.

7) You’re too judgmental

We all have our opinions and biases, but being overly judgmental can be a sign that you’re not as good a person as you think. It’s easy to form snap judgments about people based on a single action or characteristic. But is it fair? Is it right?

Being judgmental often means we’re not giving people the benefit of the doubt. We’re not considering their circumstances, their struggles, or their story. Instead, we’re boxing them into our preconceived notions and beliefs.

A good person understands that everyone is fighting their own battles, and they try to be understanding rather than judgmental. So next time you find yourself making quick judgments about others, take a moment to reflect. There might be more to the story than what meets the eye.

8) You lack gratitude

Gratitude is more than just saying “thank you”. It’s an attitude, a mindset, a way of seeing the world. It’s about appreciating what you have, however small or big it might be, and recognizing the role others play in your life.

If you often find yourself focusing on what you don’t have, or failing to appreciate the people and things around you, it could be a sign that you’re not as good a person as you think.

Being good means being grateful. It means acknowledging the good in your life and in others. So if gratitude is something you struggle with, maybe it’s time to give it a little more attention.

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