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It’s a fact: Not all people are good. It’s not a pleasant thought, but it’s true.

Psychology has given us clues to identify those who may not have our best interests at heart. It’s not about judging them, but about protecting ourselves.

You see, bad people often disguise their true intentions, just like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

This article will explore 10 psychological signs that someone might not be as good as they seem.

These insights aren’t intended to make you paranoid, just informed. After all, knowledge is power when it comes to navigating the choppy waters of human relationships.

1) They’re always taking, never giving

Now, we all have those friends who love to talk about themselves. But there’s a difference between someone who’s simply chatty and someone who’s a chronic taker.

Psychology suggests that consistently one-sided behaviour is a red flag.

If someone is constantly taking – whether it’s time, resources, or emotional support – and rarely or never reciprocating, it could be a sign they’re not as good as they seem.

This doesn’t mean every interaction has to be a perfect give-and-take. But if you notice a consistent pattern of selfishness without any apparent guilt or intention to change, you might be dealing with someone who lacks empathy or concern for others.

It’s not about being judgmental, but about understanding human behaviour to protect your own interests and mental health.

2) They twist the truth

Lying, deception, manipulation. These are some signs that someone might not be a good person. But you know what’s worse? When they twist the truth.

Let me give you a personal example. I had a friend who was a master of this. She would take a kernel of truth and spin it in such a way that it made her look like the victim or the hero, depending on the situation.

Once, she borrowed my car and returned it with an empty gas tank. When I confronted her about it, she said, “Well, you never told me I had to fill it up.”

Technically, she was right. I didn’t explicitly tell her to refill the gas. But isn’t that common courtesy?

She took a small truth – me not specifying about the gas – and twisted it to her advantage. It wasn’t the first time she did something like this.

Twisting the truth is just another form of lying and manipulation. It’s a subtle way for people to dodge responsibility and avoid blame. And according to psychology, it’s a clear sign someone might not be as good as they appear.

3) They lack empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s a crucial part of healthy social interaction. But guess what? Not everyone has it.

Individuals who lack empathy often have trouble connecting with others on a deeper level. They might not understand why someone is upset, or they might dismiss others’ feelings as unimportant.

Interestingly, some studies suggest that empathy is like a muscle: you can strengthen it with practice. However, those who consistently show no empathy might be demonstrating a more fundamental character flaw.

If you consistently feel unheard or dismissed around someone, it may be a sign that they’re not as good as they seem. After all, a key element of being a good person is caring about how your actions impact others.

4) They’re always playing the victim

Life is full of ups and downs. But for some people, it seems like they’re always on the receiving end of bad luck. Or at least, that’s what they want you to believe.

Playing the perpetual victim is a common trait among people who might not be as good as they seem. They use their misfortune to manipulate others, garner sympathy, or evade responsibility.

It’s not to say that people don’t face genuine hardships. However, if someone consistently portrays themselves as the victim, regardless of the situation, it might be a sign that they’re using their perceived victimhood for personal gain.

It’s healthy to acknowledge and express our struggles. But constantly playing the victim? That’s a whole different ball game.

5) They’re excessively envious

A little jealousy is normal. We’ve all felt that pang of envy when someone achieves something we’ve been striving for. But there’s a difference between healthy competition and excessive envy.

People who are overly envious tend to be unsatisfied with what they have and resent others for their success. Instead of focusing on their own growth and happiness, they’re consumed by what others have.

If someone is constantly comparing themselves to others, begrudging other people’s success, or trying to bring others down to their level, it could be a sign that they’re not a good person.

Genuine happiness for others’ success is a sign of a healthy, mature individual. So if someone is excessively envious, tread carefully.

6) They don’t respect boundaries

Respecting boundaries is a fundamental aspect of any relationship, be it a friendship, a romantic relationship, or a professional one. However, not everyone understands this.

Some people may constantly invade your personal space or disregard your feelings and needs. They may pressure you into doing things you’re uncomfortable with or dismiss your requests for space or time alone.

These actions can leave you feeling violated, disrespected and unimportant.

If you encounter someone who consistently disregards your boundaries, it’s a clear sign they may not be as good as they appear. Because at the end of the day, a good person respects you, your space, and your feelings.

7) They’re quick to anger

We all lose our cool from time to time. But there’s a big difference between getting upset occasionally and constantly flying off the handle.

I remember a person I used to know who would get angry at the drop of a hat. One day, I was five minutes late to meet them, and they blew up at me as if I had committed a grave offense. This wasn’t a one-time thing either; their anger was always simmering just beneath the surface, ready to explode over the smallest issues.

People who are quick to anger often struggle with self-control and can create a volatile, uncomfortable environment. If someone is frequently angry, especially over minor things, it could be a sign that they’re not as good a person as they appear.

8) They’re overly charming

Charm can be a great quality. It can make someone charismatic, likeable, and enjoyable to be around. But sometimes, too much charm might actually be a red flag.

People who are excessively charming often use their allure to manipulate others. They can turn on the charm when they need something, only to turn it off once they’ve gotten what they want.

If you encounter someone who’s always the life of the party, always saying the right things, and always winning people over, be cautious. Their charm might just be a mask for more sinister traits.

9) They’re never wrong

We all make mistakes; it’s part of being human. But some people seem to have a hard time acknowledging this.

If someone never admits they’re wrong, constantly deflects blame, or always has an excuse ready, it’s a big red flag. This stubborn refusal to admit faults or mistakes can be a sign of arrogance or a lack of self-awareness.

A good person understands that they’re not perfect and is willing to take responsibility for their actions. If someone never admits they’re wrong, you might want to reconsider their place in your life.

10) They lack consistent morals

At the heart of every good person is a strong moral compass. This doesn’t mean they’re perfect, but they have a set of values that guide their actions and decisions.

However, some people’s morals seem to change with the wind. One day, they’re championing honesty; the next, they’re lying to get what they want. They might preach about kindness but treat the waiter rudely.

If someone lacks consistent morals, it’s a strong sign they may not be as good as they seem. Because at the end of the day, a person’s actions speak louder than their words.

And if their actions don’t align with their professed values, well, that tells you all you need to know.


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