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The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) today provided an update to people with complaints in relation to the Latitude Financial Group cyber-attack.

Latitude was subject to a cyber-attack in March 2023 that resulted in the theft of personal information. The theft affected customers, past customers and applicants across Australia and New Zealand.

AFCA currently has 224 open complaints in relation to the cyber-attack. AFCA is currently working on a lead case in relation to the cyber-attack. This case will provide the basis of AFCA’s decision making when considering the remaining complaints.

AFCA is hopeful of having its lead case out by the first quarter of 2025 and all remaining cases resolved by 30 June 2025.

While each decision depends on the particular circumstances of the complaint, lead cases help establish a precedent and provide guidance on how similar issues will be addressed. They serve as a reference point for consistency and transparency in decision-making.

You do not need to take any further action regarding your complaint with AFCA at this stage. AFCA will contact you with further updates when the lead case is finalised.

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