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Amazon daily chart

Shares of Amazon are catching a bid today, rising 3.1% to an all time high. The climb above $192 along with 10.406 billion shares outstanding puts the company above a $2 trillion market cap for the first time.

That’s against earnings guidance of $10-14 billion in the current quarter and consensus earnings of $5.74 next year. That puts the forward P/E at about 33.5x, which isn’t crazy in a world that’s AI-obsessed.

Now, is Amazon an AI company? I might argue it’s the AI company in the long run. The real game-changer with AI is that it unlocks robotics. With 1.52m employees, that’s a gigantic potential source of savings for a company on track for $700 billion in annual revenue. Combine it with self-driving delivery, or drones and the downstream contracted delivery costs could also drop dramatically.

Factor in growth in advertising, AWS, media and a formidable moat, and I can see the case for further gains from here. Besides, look at that chart, whic is breaking out after years of consolidation.

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