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The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) today announced that its Fixed Income Clearing Corporation’s (FICC’s) Government Securities Division (GSD) successfully cleared a record-setting USD$9.2 trillion in daily activity on September 3.

This new milestone follows the previous peak volume of USD$8.8 trillion in daily activity on July 31, a 4.5 percent increase. In the past 12 months, GSD’s total activity increased 42 percent year-over-year.

“The continued and persistent volume growth that we are seeing across GSD, as well as across access models, is a testament to the value of central clearing with FICC, including reduced risk and capital and balance sheet relief,” said Laura Klimpel, Managing Director and Head of DTCC’s Fixed Income and Financing Solutions.

In addition to this growth, on September 3, GSD’s Sponsored Service reached a peak volume of USD$1.414 trillion in cleared U.S. Treasury activity.

In operation since 2005, the Sponsored Service permits full-service Netting Members of GSD to participate as Sponsoring Members, providing access to FICC’s central clearing services to intermediated Sponsored Members. The Sponsored Service has experienced growth of 98% year-over-year, now with over 2,500 Sponsored Members across 51 approved jurisdictions.

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