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When a man believes you are his soulmate, it’s often the subtle, consistent actions that give him away.

He might pay close attention to your likes and dislikes, always remembering the smallest details about your life.

He’s there for you, not just in big moments, but in everyday situations, showing unwavering support and care.

He listens deeply and makes an effort to understand your emotions and thoughts, proving that his connection runs far deeper than the surface.

As relationship expert Dr. John Gottman states, “It’s not the grand gestures, but the small, everyday moments that build trust and intimacy in a relationship.”

These subtle behaviors are often the clearest signs of a soulmate connection.

Keep reading to discover the eight subtle actions that indicate when a man sees you as his true partner, the one he envisions spending his future with.

1) He listens…intently

We all know that listening is key in any relationship. But when a man considers you his soulmate, his listening skills go to another level.

It’s not just about him nodding along to your stories or agreeing with your opinions.

It’s about him remembering the small details – the name of your childhood pet, your favorite ice cream flavor, or that random story you told him about your high school English teacher.

These might seem like insignificant details, but to him, they’re nuggets of gold. Because when a man genuinely loves you, he’s fascinated by every part of you – even the little things.

So if you notice that he’s genuinely attentive and remembers even the tiny details about you, it’s a strong sign that he sees you as his soulmate.

And it’s not just an act of flattery – it’s a sign of love.

2) His actions speak louder than words

As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words.

And this couldn’t be more true when it comes to love.

I’ve been in the relationship game for a while now, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that men who are serious about you will show it through their actions.

If he consistently makes an effort to show up for you – whether it’s supporting you at your work event, helping you with a task, or just being there when you’re having a bad day – these are clear signs of his commitment towards you.

Actions, after all, are the best indicators of someone’s true feelings.

3) He values your independence

If your man encourages your independence, supports your personal goals and passions, and respects your space, it’s a strong sign that he views you as his soulmate.

He realizes that you are two individuals who choose to be together, not two halves that complete each other.

He sees your unique qualities and admires them. He doesn’t want to change you but accepts and loves you for who you are.

And trust me, this level of acceptance isn’t something you find in a man who’s just passing by.

A healthy relationship is one where both partners can grow individually while growing together.

4) He isn’t afraid of disagreements

You might be thinking, aren’t soulmates supposed to agree on everything and live happily ever after? Well, not necessarily.

Contrary to popular belief, having disagreements in a relationship doesn’t necessarily mean it’s doomed. In fact, if a man considers you his soulmate, he won’t shy away from disagreements.

He understands that you’re two different individuals with unique perspectives. And he values that.

Instead of avoiding conflict, he uses it as an opportunity to understand you better and grow as a couple.

The key here is how he handles disagreements.

Does he respect your point of view and works towards finding a resolution instead of winning the argument? That’s a strong sign that he sees you as his soulmate.

5) He includes you in his future plans

There’s nothing quite as heartwarming as when a man includes you in his future plans. It’s a clear sign that he sees a long-term future with you.

Whether it’s planning a vacation next summer or discussing where you both might want to settle down in the future, when he consistently includes you in his future plans, he’s showing that he can’t imagine his future without you.

I remember when my boyfriend first started including me in his future plans.

It wasn’t about grand gestures, but simple moments like planning to spend the next winter together, watching movies and drinking wine.

He even started talking about the next summer, imagining the trips we could take and experiences we could share.

It was in those everyday conversations about future moments that I realized he saw me as someone he wanted by his side long-term, not just in the present, but in the future too.

When a man talks about the future and consistently includes you in it, it’s a big sign that he considers you his soulmate.

It’s his way of showing that he wants to share his life with you, not just spend some time together.

6) He’s not afraid to show his vulnerability

In a world where men are often taught to hide their feelings and put on a brave face, a man who isn’t afraid to show his vulnerability is truly one of a kind.

This is raw, and it’s real. If he opens up to you about his fears, insecurities, dreams, and hopes, it’s because he trusts you with his heart.

He’s not just letting you see the best parts of him, but also the parts that are raw and vulnerable.

A man who considers you his soulmate will let down his guard and show you his true self – flaws and all. Because he knows that you’re the one person who will understand and accept him for who he really is.

It’s not easy for anyone to open up and be vulnerable, but when he does it with you, it means he truly values your relationship.

7) He celebrates your success as if it’s his own

There’s an age-old saying by Oscar Wilde that goes, “Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend’s success.”

When a man considers you his soulmate, he doesn’t just support you during tough times; he also celebrates your successes as if they’re his own.

Whether it’s a promotion at work, reaching a personal goal, or even something as simple as cooking a new recipe perfectly, he’ll be there cheering you on.

If your man genuinely celebrates your achievements and takes pride in your accomplishments, ladies, it’s a strong sign that he sees you as his soulmate.

His joy in your success is proof of his unconditional love and support.

8) He loves you at your worst

Now, this is where the rubber meets the road. It’s easy to love someone at their best – when they’re happy, successful, and everything is going well.

But when things get tough, that’s when true love really shows.

A man who considers you his soulmate will love you even at your worst. He’ll be there when you’re feeling low, when you make mistakes or when things aren’t going as planned.

He doesn’t just stick around for the good times; he’s there for the tough times too.

This isn’t about him tolerating bad behavior or accepting unhealthy patterns. It’s about him seeing your flaws and imperfections and still choosing to love you.

So if you find a man who stands by you even when things get messy and complicated, it’s a strong sign that he sees you as his soulmate.

Because soulmates aren’t just there for the highlight reel – they’re there for the entire journey, ups and downs included.

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