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Age, they say, is just a number. And it’s true – youth isn’t only about how many candles are on your birthday cake.

It’s about the zest for life you carry within. It’s about the joy you find in little things, the curiosity you display, and the fun-filled activities that keep your spirit young.

Being young at heart is all about embracing life with a childlike wonder. And there are certain activities that can help you gauge this youthful spirit.

So, here are nine activities that might just prove you’re still a young person at heart.

1) Splashing in puddles

Who said puddles are just for kids?

If you find joy in splashing around in puddles after a good rain, then congratulations, you’ve got the heart of a youngster.

It’s the kind of frivolous, carefree fun that we often associate with children. But who made the rules that adults can’t enjoy it too?

Puddle jumping can be an exhilarating release, a break from adult responsibilities. It’s a momentary return to the simplicity of childhood joys.

So don’t hold back next time it rains. Put on your boots, step outside and splash around like no one’s watching. It’s a surefire way to keep your spirit youthful and alive.

2) Climbing trees

Alright, I’ll admit it. I still love climbing trees.

Whenever I’m out for a walk in the park and I see a sturdy, inviting tree, I can’t help myself. I take off my shoes, roll up my sleeves, and start making my way up. And let me tell you, the view from the top is always worth it.

The feeling of accomplishment when reaching a high branch, overlooking the surroundings, is simply unparalleled. It’s a pure form of adventure that brings out the child in me.

So if you’re anything like me and still find yourself scaling trees for fun, you’re definitely keeping your inner child alive and kicking.

3) Drawing with sidewalk chalk

There’s something magical about creating art that’s temporary. Sidewalk chalk allows for this transient creativity, and it’s not just for children.

Drawing with sidewalk chalk can be an excellent stress reliever and a fun way to express your creativity. And yes, adults can do it too!

Did you know that in ancient times, Romans used chalk to mark their sheep? Fast forward to today, we use it to decorate our driveways and sidewalks with vibrant pictures and messages.

It’s a simple activity that can make you feel young at heart. So next time you pass a box of sidewalk chalk at the store, don’t hesitate to pick it up and let your inner artist loose!

4) Playing with pets

Pets are known to bring immense joy and happiness into our lives. If you find yourself on the floor, engaging in a game of tug-of-war with your dog, or chasing your cat around with a piece of string, then you’re definitely in touch with your youthful side.

Playing with pets isn’t just about fun and games; it also has numerous health benefits. Studies suggest it can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and even improve our mood.

So go ahead, let loose, and have a good old playtime session with your furry friend. It’s a perfect way to embrace your inner child while creating lasting memories with your pet.

5) Building sandcastles

Remember those summer days at the beach, armed with a bucket and shovel, when the only mission was to build the grandest sandcastle?

Well, if you still find joy in shaping mounds of sand into towering castles, then your heart is definitely younger than you might think.

Building sandcastles isn’t just child’s play. It’s a creative outlet that allows you to design, plan, and construct something from scratch – a skill that’s as valuable for adults as it is for kids.

So next time you’re at the beach, give yourself permission to get sandy. It’s not only fun but also a great way to keep your youthful spirit alive.

6) Watching cartoons

Whether it’s classic Disney, Looney Tunes, or the latest Pixar film, if you find joy in watching animated stories unfold, then your heart is brimming with youthfulness.

Cartoons have a unique way of taking us back to simpler times. They remind us of cozy Saturday mornings in our pajamas, bowl of cereal in hand, lost in a world of imagination and adventure.

They also hold valuable life lessons and moral stories that resonate with us at any age. So don’t feel guilty about indulging in an animated movie or binge-watching your favorite cartoon series.

It’s a heartwarming way to reconnect with your inner child and keep your spirit youthful.

7) Singing in the shower

There’s something about the shower that turns it into a personal concert hall. The acoustics, the privacy, and the warm water combine to create a safe space for belting out your favorite tunes.

I often find myself singing in the shower, sometimes even without realizing it. Whether it’s an old classic or a catchy pop song, the melodies just flow effortlessly.

These mini concerts are not just about singing; they’re about letting go, expressing oneself, and embracing the present moment.

So if you’re a shower singer too, take pride in your bathroom concerts. They’re a sign of a young and lively spirit.

8) Reading children’s books

Children’s books aren’t just for kids. If you still find joy in flipping through colorful pages of simple yet profound stories, then you’ve got a young heart.

Classics like ‘The Little Prince’, ‘Winnie the Pooh’, or ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ hold timeless wisdom that can resonate with adults just as much as with kids.

In fact, revisiting these stories as an adult often reveals deeper meanings that we might have missed as children.

So go ahead, pull out those old children’s books and immerse yourself in their simple, whimsical worlds. It’s a charming way to keep your heart young and your imagination vibrant.

9) Laughing uncontrollably

Laughter is the universal language of youth. If you find yourself in fits of giggles, laughing so hard that your belly hurts, then congratulations, you’re still a young person at heart.

Laughter isn’t just a response to humor. It’s a form of emotional expression, a release of joy and positivity. It’s the sound of a soul dancing.

Remember, no matter how old you get, never lose your ability to laugh heartily. It’s the best way to keep your spirit youthful and your heart light.

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