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Navigating relationships can be tricky, especially when you’re dealing with someone who’s more focused on themselves than others.

This self-centered behavior can often be subtle and hard to recognize. But if you know what to look for, you can protect yourself and your emotional well-being.

In this article, I’m going to share with you eight behaviors that signal you’re dealing with a deeply self-centered person. And trust me, knowing these signs can save you a lot of headaches in the long run.

Let’s dive right into it.

1) They dominate conversations

With self-centered individuals, conversations are often one-sided. Their favorite topic? Themselves, of course.

You’ll notice that they always steer conversations back to their experiences, achievements, or problems. They show little interest in your life or opinions unless it directly affects them.

They seem to be under the impression that their stories and thoughts are inherently more interesting than anyone else’s. And when you do manage to get a word in, they often aren’t really listening, just waiting for their turn to speak again.

This behavior isn’t just annoying, it’s a clear sign of a deeply self-centered person. If you recognize this pattern in someone you know, tread carefully. Relationships should be about give and take, not just one person endlessly taking center stage.

2) They rarely show empathy

This is a big one for me. I remember dealing with a friend who could never seem to step outside her own perspective.

Whenever I was going through a tough time and needed someone to talk to, she’d either brush off my feelings or turn the conversation back to her own problems. It’s as if she couldn’t empathize with my situation unless it directly mirrored her own.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. But for self-centered people, this ability seems to be sorely lacking. They’re so focused on their own world that they often fail to recognize or validate the feelings of those around them.

If someone in your life regularly dismisses your feelings or struggles to show empathy, it could be a sign that they’re more self-centered than you realized.

3) They’re constantly seeking admiration

Self-centered people are often on a perpetual hunt for validation and admiration from others. They need to be constantly reassured of their worth, and they seem to thrive on compliments.

This behavior is actually rooted in psychology. According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, self-centered individuals often have a deep-seated fear of rejection. They seek constant validation to combat these feelings of insecurity.

However, this pursuit of admiration often comes at the expense of meaningful, reciprocal relationships. It’s hard to connect with someone who’s more focused on getting their ego stroked than engaging in a genuine two-way conversation.

4) They don’t take responsibility for their actions

Have you ever met someone who always seems to be the victim in every situation? Nothing is ever their fault, and they always have someone else to blame.

This is a common trait of self-centered individuals. They have a hard time accepting responsibility for their actions and the consequences that come with them. Instead, they often shift the blame onto others, even when it’s clear that they’re in the wrong.

This behavior can be incredibly frustrating to deal with, as it prevents any form of constructive criticism or growth. It can also damage relationships, as it’s hard to trust someone who can’t own up to their mistakes.

5) They don’t recognize or respect boundaries

In any healthy relationship, boundaries are crucial. They help protect our mental and emotional wellbeing, and they ensure that our needs and feelings are respected.

Unfortunately, self-centered individuals often struggle with this concept. They might constantly invade your personal space, demand a disproportionate amount of your time, or disregard your feelings and needs.

It’s heartbreaking to realize that someone you care about doesn’t respect your boundaries. It can leave you feeling disrespected and undervalued. But remember, everyone deserves to be treated with respect, and your boundaries are important. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.

6) They are often competitive

I’ve experienced this firsthand with a colleague of mine. Every time we were given a project to work on together, it always felt like a competition. She would constantly compare our work, trying to outdo me in any way possible.

This competitive streak is common among self-centered people. They see every interaction as an opportunity to prove their superiority. This isn’t just limited to work or achievements, either. They may even try to one-up you in matters of hardship, turning every conversation into a competition.

It’s exhausting to be around and can create a toxic environment, whether it’s at work, in a friendship, or a romantic relationship. Healthy relationships aren’t about competition, they’re about cooperation and mutual growth.

7) They’re not interested in your interests

This one might seem obvious, but it’s a classic sign of a self-centered individual. They show little to no interest in the things you’re passionate about, unless it directly benefits them in some way.

For example, they might tune out when you talk about your favorite book or hobby, or they may dismiss your interests as unimportant or boring. This lack of interest often extends to your feelings and experiences as well.

This behavior can be really hurtful. It sends the message that they don’t value what’s important to you. It’s a clear sign that they’re more interested in their own world than sharing experiences with you.

8) They lack genuine gratitude

One of the most telling signs of a self-centered person is a lack of genuine gratitude. They rarely appreciate the efforts of others because they’re so focused on their own needs and wants.

Gratitude is more than just saying “thank you.” It’s about recognizing and acknowledging the value of someone else’s actions. But self-centered people often take others for granted, failing to show appreciation for the kindness and efforts made by those around them.

This lack of gratitude can be incredibly demoralizing for those who interact with them. It can make people feel undervalued and unappreciated. So if you notice this behavior in someone, it’s a clear sign of deep-seated self-centeredness.

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