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If you want to be successful in life, it’s the little things that count.

How you start the day is no exception.

Your mornings matter.

Your mornings set the tone for the rest of the day.

If you regularly roll out of bed sluggish and cranky right before noon, chances are you’re doing something wrong.

So if you want to go places, start by being more mindful of your morning routine.

I’m here to help.

In this article, I’ll give you a few ideas of what constitutes a productive start to the day.

Once you make the shift, the difference will be palpable, I guarantee it. Let’s get to it!

1) Waking up early

Allow yourself to sleep in occasionally, but as a general rule, waking up early is the way to go.

You don’t want to have to frantically rush out of bed, still groggy, to get the day started.

Make your mornings count, and take advantage of its minimal distractions.

Trust me, the first step is always the hardest.

When you get into the rhythm of getting up early and checking off personal priorities, be it preparing a nourishing breakfast, going outdoors, or catching up on reading, you’ll feel exponentially better for it.

As someone who wakes up and gets stuff done early, I feel a sense of accomplishment and motivation… something that helps drive me through the rest of the day.

2) Practicing gratitude

In case you haven’t noticed, we’re living through the golden age of comparisons–in large part due to social media.

I’m sure we can all attest to it: It’s easy to get caught up scrolling, seeing what other people are doing with their lives, and feel like you’re lagging behind.

So actively take steps to change your perspective by focusing on gratitude.

Rather than reflecting on what you don’t have, start acknowledging the good things in your life, the things you’re grateful for.

Forget how everybody else is doing.

Once you cultivate gratitude regularly, you shift your mindset into a positive space. Real talk.

3) Getting some movement in

I get it: Exercise in the morning sounds tedious and tiring.

Nobody is saying you have to run a marathon at the crack of dawn but some light exercises after waking will do you good.

For most of my life, the thought of exercising while still foggy from sleep was so daunting, I’d never try.

But eventually, I took the plunge, and a whole new reality opened up to me.

I started going to the gym early in the morning while everybody else was deep in sleep.

Although you might think that exercise at that hour might tire you out for the rest of the day, I’ve found the opposite to be true.

The endorphin high from morning exercise wakes up my body and clears mental fog, giving me sustainable energy to last the day–far more than remaining sedentary.

So if you haven’t already, consider it time to incorporate some movement into your morning routine like yoga or a simple brisk walk (or run) through the neighborhood.

4) Mindful meditation or breathing

I was once a doubter, but believe me, meditation works.

Some of the most successful people in the world have incorporated a bit of meditation into their morning schedules… for good reason.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by life.

Meditation encourages you to focus on the present moment, instead of wallowing in the past or anxiously overthinking about the future.

It’s no longer some new-age pseudo-science.

Spend 5-10 minutes of your morning meditating or practicing deep breathing to center yourself and reduce stress.

You’ll notice a spike in your level of contentment and peace almost immediately.

5) Planning the day

In the past decade or so, I’ve learned that setting goals (both short and long-term) is a game-changer.

When you’re coasting through life, just getting by, you risk things becoming stagnant and stale.

So whip out a planner or journal and start jotting down your top three or four tasks or goals for the day.

Being able to refer to your goals in writing helps you stay focused and on course, keeping your priorities consistently in order, rather than get sidetracked by the limitless distractions of the world.

6) Eating a balanced breakfast

Food is fuel, particularly when you need to stay cognitively sharp for the day.

Now you don’t need to start going to Denny’s and ordering the grand slam breakfast, but some sustenance will surely benefit you.

Have a well-rounded meal plan to reduce the burden and make things easier for you.

Focus on nutritious, whole foods and eliminate the processed stuff.

Don’t overeat; go organic, if possible.

Apart from sustaining your energy throughout the morning, a light breakfast will improve your mood and make you feel good, both mentally and physically.

Bon appetit!

7) Reading or listening to something motivational

We live in a world that can be very negative, a world filled with cynical citizens, the type of people who will bring you down, if you aren’t careful.

It’s easy to fall into this hole.

So to balance things out, seeking out positive affirmations is a wise move.

Read (even re-read) a few pages of an inspiring novel, listen to a motivational podcast, and have quotes written down in places that are visible to you, as you get ready.

Remember, these little, seemingly trivial things add up at the end of the day.

Try not to overlook them.

8) Avoiding checking emails/phone

You shouldn’t be stressing out first thing in the morning, whether consciously or not.

You have to be kinder to yourself than that.

Prioritize self-care.

We’re all guilty of it though: Reaching for our phones upon waking is almost a reflex for many of us.

Reading work emails, good or bad, can quietly and unnecessarily stress you out.

Scrolling through Instagram with all its keyboard warriors and grim headlines can stress you out too, for obvious reasons.

Hence, you should make it a point to delay checking your phone or emails until you’ve gone through your personal morning routine.

You’ll be far better off for it.

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