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As a parent, there’s nothing more satisfying than realizing you’ve raised your children right. But what constitutes ‘right’?

Well, it’s not about them being rich or famous. It’s about them becoming kind, responsible and well-rounded adults.

Here are seven things that, if your adult children do, confirm you’ve raised them exceptionally well.

1) They show empathy

One of the greatest attributes you can instill in your children is empathy.

Empathy, or the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a fundamental aspect of human interaction. Or as put by researchers, it “plays a critical interpersonal and societal role, enabling sharing of experiences, needs, and desires between individuals.”

Basically, it’s the foundation of compassion and kindness. It’s what makes us sensitive to the struggles of others, and compels us to lend a helping hand.

If your adult children are empathetic, they’ve learned more than just how to navigate through life. They’ve learned how to make life better for those around them.

That’s a clear sign you’ve raised them well. It’s something that can’t be bought or sold, but can only be taught and learned.

2) They handle failure gracefully

I remember when my son was in high school. He was a passionate basketball player and had set his heart on making the varsity team. But when the selection came, his name wasn’t on the list.

It was heartbreaking for him. He’d put in hours of practice, only to face rejection. But it’s what he did next that showed me I’d raised him well.

Instead of sulking or blaming others for his failure, he took it in stride. He congratulated his friends who made it to the team, and started working even harder on improving his skills.

His resilience amazed me.

Seeing your child fail is never easy, but seeing them handle it with grace and determination is a proud moment for any parent. It shows they have the strength to bounce back from adversity and are equipped to handle life’s ups and downs.

3) They treat everyone with respect

J.K. Rowling once said, “If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

It’s one of my favourite quotes as it speaks to the heart of what it means to be a good person.

Raising children who respect others is a clear sign you’ve instilled values that matter. Respect requires self-awareness, humility, and an understanding that everyone has inherent worth, regardless of their position in life.

4) They show emotional intelligence

Can your kids read a room, handle their emotions under pressure, and express themselves in ways that bring people closer rather than push them away?

If so, good for you(and them)!

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is an essential skill for navigating the world. It’s more than just being “nice”—it’s about understanding and managing their own emotions while also empathizing with the emotions of others.

This helps them build stronger relationships, handle conflict with grace, and make thoughtful decisions.

You’ve also set them up for financial success. Research suggests those with a high EQ earn nearly $30,000 more annually than those with a lower EQ. Of course, it’s not all about money, but let’s be real—none of us want to see our kids struggle financially.

5) They take care of themselves

I know this one might seem strange, but hear me out. I think it has to be one of the most overlooked aspects of parenting.

It’s easy to focus on raising kids who are responsible, kind, and hardworking—but what about their ability to prioritize their own well-being?

By “taking care of themselves,” I mean practicing self-care.

As experts have noted, self-care is linked to a range of benefits: happier relationships, increased self-esteem, and even a lower likelihood of depression and anxiety.

When your children know how to care for their own physical, mental, and emotional health, they’re setting themselves up for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Taking care of ourselves isn’t about being selfish; it’s about sustainability. We can’t give what you don’t have. To be the best parent, partner, or friend, your cup needs to be full.

When your kids understand this, it means they’ve learned one of the most important life lessons: that their well-being is just as crucial as anyone else’s.

Whether it’s taking time to decompress after a stressful day, prioritizing sleep, or knowing when to say “no,” these acts of self-care ensure they’re in a better place to support others.

If you’ve instilled this in your children, kudos to you. By helping your kids understand that they’re worth taking care of, you’ve given them a tool that will benefit them for life. They’re more resilient, more capable of managing stress, and ultimately, better equipped to help those around them.

6) They stand up for what’s right

Would your kids stand up for someone being treated unfairly? How about in the face of adversity?

Having the courage to stand up for what’s right, even when it’s uncomfortable, is a powerful testament to the values you’ve instilled in your children. It’s easy to go along with the crowd, but it takes true integrity to speak out against wrongs, even when it doesn’t personally benefit them.

Whether it’s calling out injustice, advocating for those who can’t, or even standing their ground in difficult situations, this trait demonstrates not only moral strength but also a strong sense of responsibility.

Standing up for what’s right doesn’t mean seeking conflict, but rather being brave enough to confront it when necessary. This shows they’ve internalized the principles of fairness, justice, and empathy that you worked so hard to teach them.

7) They are grateful

Last but not least, your adult children practice gratitude.

This simple yet powerful habit shows they don’t take their blessings for granted and appreciate the people and experiences that shape their lives.

Gratitude fosters a positive mindset, improves mental well-being, and strengthens relationships. It’s also been linked to greater resilience, helping them navigate life’s ups and downs with grace.

By raising children who are grateful, you’ve helped them cultivate a key trait for a happier, more fulfilling life.

Final thoughts

In the end, raising kind, responsible, and emotionally intelligent adults is a true accomplishment.

It’s not about them being rich or famous, but about them navigating life with empathy, grace, and integrity.

If your adult children show these seven traits, you should be proud. You’ve equipped them with the tools not just to survive, but to thrive in a complex world.

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