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Success is not always about fortune and fame.

Often, we get so caught up in societal standards that we overlook our own accomplishments. We forget that success is subjective, and what matters most is personal growth and contentment.

In this article, I’m going to share with you nine things you might have achieved, which actually indicate that you’re much more successful than you think.

Let’s dive in.

1) You’re self-sufficient

Success isn’t always about the big house or the fancy car. In fact, it’s often about something much more basic – independence.

Being self-reliant and able to take care of your own needs is a significant accomplishment. It’s about more than just being able to pay your bills. It’s about the ability to stand on your own two feet, to make decisions that are best for you, and to take responsibility for those decisions.

Think about it. The ability to provide for yourself, to not depend on anyone else for your wellbeing, is a clear sign of personal success. It might not seem as glamorous as some other markers of achievement, but it’s fundamental.

2) You’ve overcome challenges

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that life is filled with hurdles. And it’s not about how many obstacles we face, but how we tackle them that truly defines our success.

For instance, I remember when I lost my job a few years back. It was a tough time. There were bills to pay and I had a family to take care of. But instead of letting the situation take control of me, I decided to take control of the situation. I took it as an opportunity to reassess my career path, and eventually, I found a job that was more fulfilling and aligned with my passion.

The point is, struggles are part of life. But overcoming them? That’s an accomplishment in itself. 

3) You have close relationships

Success isn’t determined by the quantity of relationships you have, but rather the quality. Having deep and meaningful relationships with a few people can be far more rewarding than having hundreds of superficial connections.

Research from Brigham Young University found that lack of social interaction can be as harmful to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. This puts it on par with other well-known risk factors like obesity and physical inactivity.

Having close relationships means that you’ve been able to connect, empathize, and build bonds with others. This requires emotional intelligence, patience, and genuine care – all traits of a successful individual. 

4) You’re continuously learning

The world around us is constantly evolving, and so should we. One of the markers of a successful individual is a constant desire to learn and grow.

Whether it’s picking up a new skill, delving into a subject you’re passionate about, or simply being curious about the world around you, continuous learning keeps your mind sharp and open to new ideas.

It’s not about accumulating degrees or certificates. It’s about the thirst for knowledge, the joy of discovery, and the willingness to step out of your comfort zone.

5) You practice gratitude

Success is often linked to happiness, and one of the key ingredients to happiness is gratitude. It’s about focusing on what you have, rather than what you don’t.

Practicing gratitude doesn’t mean ignoring the negative aspects of life. It means acknowledging them, but choosing to find the silver lining anyway. This positive outlook can transform your life and lead to a deeper sense of contentment.

If you’ve developed a habit of being thankful for what you have, and not constantly chasing after what you don’t, you’re already succeeding in a way many people struggle to.

Success is as much about attitude as it is about achievements.

6) You’ve made a difference in someone’s life

Success isn’t just about personal achievements or material possessions. It’s also about the impact you’ve made on others.

Perhaps you’ve mentored a young professional who was just starting out, and now they’re flourishing in their career. Maybe you’ve volunteered at a local shelter, providing comfort and aid to those who needed it most. Or it could be as simple as being there for a friend during a tough time, offering your support and understanding.

Making a positive difference in someone’s life, no matter how big or small, is an accomplishment that money can’t buy. It’s a testament to your kindness, empathy, and humanity.

7) You’ve learned to love yourself

There was a time in my life when I was constantly seeking approval from others. I’d measure my worth based on what others thought of me. It was an exhausting and unfulfilling way to live.

But over time, I realized that the only approval I truly needed was my own. Learning to love myself, with all my flaws and imperfections, was one of the most liberating experiences of my life.

Accepting yourself for who you are, embracing your quirks, and being comfortable in your own skin is an incredible accomplishment. It’s a journey, not a destination. 

8) You’ve learned to let go

Holding on to grudges, past mistakes, or regrets can be a heavy burden that hinders your progress and happiness. Learning to let go and move forward is not only liberating but a sign of emotional strength and maturity.

Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting or disregarding the past. It means acknowledging it, learning from it, and choosing to not let it control your present or future.

If you’ve managed to let go of things that no longer serve you, be proud of yourself. This ability to release and move forward is a clear indicator of personal growth and success.

9) You live in harmony with your values

At the end of the day, true success lies in living a life that aligns with your values. It’s about making decisions and taking actions that reflect what’s truly important to you.

Whether it’s honesty, kindness, creativity, or resilience – living in harmony with your values makes for a fulfilling and authentic life. This alignment is an accomplishment in its own right. 

Success: It’s personal

Success, as we’ve seen through these points, isn’t about the outward show of wealth or status. It’s about the inner contentment derived from personal growth, relationships, self-love, and living in harmony with our values.

The famous author Maya Angelou once said, “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” It’s a simple yet profound statement that encapsulates what true success should be.

If you’ve accomplished any of these nine things in life, take a moment to appreciate yourself. True success is not defined by societal standards but by personal satisfaction and fulfillment.


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