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The United States National Futures Association (NFA) has ordered Sigma Broking Limited to pay a $150,000 fine.

Sigma Broking is an introducing broker Member of NFA located in London, United Kingdom.

The Decision, issued by an NFA Hearing Panel, is based on a Complaint issued by NFA’s Business Conduct Committee and a settlement offer submitted by Sigma Broking, in which the firm neither admitted nor denied the allegations in the Complaint.

In its Decision, the Hearing Panel found that Sigma Broking:

  • failed to conduct annual anti-money laundering audits, in violation of NFA Compliance Rule 2-9(c);
  • failed to keep written pre-trade communications readily accessible, in violation of NFA Compliance Rule 2-10(a); and
  • failed to supervise, in violation of NFA Compliance Rule 2-9(a).

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