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We often think of strength as a purely physical trait. But, let’s not forget about emotional resilience. However, sometimes, even the emotionally strongest among us are fighting silent battles.

People who appear strong on the surface but are slowly crumbling inside often display certain subtle behaviors. These signs are not always obvious; they can be easy to overlook.

In this article, we’ll delve into nine behaviors common among individuals who are outwardly strong but internally struggling. Keep reading if you’ve ever felt like you’re putting on a brave face while breaking inside, or if you want to better understand and support the strong folks in your life who might be silently suffering.

1) A sudden change in habits

Let’s start with something many of us can relate to – our daily habits. We all have a daily routine, and when everything is going well, we stick to it.

But what happens when someone who is typically consistent with their routine suddenly changes their habits?

It might be a friend who usually hits the gym five days a week, but suddenly loses interest. Or a colleague who always meets deadlines, but starts missing them. Or a family member who loves to cook, but has stopped making meals.

These changes in habits can be a sign that someone is internally struggling. They might seem strong on the outside, but these subtle changes may indicate that they’re slowly breaking inside.

2) They start isolating themselves

I’ve always been known as the life of the party — always surrounded by friends, always ready for the next adventure. But there was a time when I started to pull away.

Without any apparent reason, I found myself avoiding social gatherings, declining invites, and spending more and more time alone. I put on a brave face, assuring everyone that I was just busy or needed some “me” time.

But in reality, I was struggling inside. I was bearing the weight of unspoken woes that made me feel like retreating from my social life.

This is common among people who are strong on the outside but breaking inside. They may start isolating themselves, not because they dislike company, but because it becomes exhausting to keep up appearances when they’re silently battling their own struggles.

If you notice someone you care about suddenly becoming a recluse, it might be more than just a need for solitude. It may be their way of coping with an internal struggle.

3) Their sleep patterns change

Sleep has a profound impact on our wellbeing. When we’re in good shape mentally and emotionally, we tend to have a regular sleep pattern. However, when we’re under stress or dealing with internal struggles, our sleep can be one of the first things to be affected.

It’s not uncommon for people who are strong on the outside but breaking inside to experience changes in their sleep patterns. They might start sleeping a lot more than usual, or they could be dealing with insomnia.

In fact, adults who sleep fewer than eight hours a night report higher stress levels than those who sleep at least eight hours.

So if someone you know is suddenly sleeping too much or too little, it might be a sign they are dealing with something difficult internally. Being aware of these subtle changes can help you offer support when they need it most.

4) They seem distracted

Concentration can be a real challenge when we’re dealing with inner turmoil. Even the most composed individuals can find their minds wandering when they’re struggling with something internally.

People who are strong on the outside but breaking inside often seem distracted. They might forget appointments, lose track of conversations, or seem distant even when they’re right in front of you.

Their minds are often preoccupied with the issues they’re trying to deal with silently. This lack of focus is not intentional or a sign of disinterest. Rather, it’s a subtle sign that they might be facing an emotional battle beneath their strong exterior.

If you observe this behavior in someone close to you, it could be an indication that they need a listening ear or some form of support.

5) They become overly critical of themselves

People who are outwardly strong often have high expectations of themselves. However, when they’re dealing with internal struggles, these high standards can shift into self-criticism.

Suddenly, they’re not as good, smart, or capable as they used to be. They may downplay their accomplishments or focus excessively on their shortcomings.

This self-deprecating behavior is often a sign of an internal struggle. They might be battling feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem, hidden beneath their strong exterior.

6) They smile less

A smile is more than just a curve that sets everything straight. It’s an expression of joy, satisfaction, and contentment. But when someone is breaking inside, their smiles can become less frequent.

People who are outwardly strong but internally struggling may smile less. They may keep a straight face even when they’re amongst friends or in situations that would usually amuse them.

This absence of smiles doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve lost their sense of humor or joy in life. Rather, it’s a subtle sign that they may be carrying a heavy emotional burden.

When you notice this in someone, remember to approach them with kindness and empathy. Sometimes, a heartfelt conversation can be the first step towards helping them find their smile again.

7) They’re always tired

I’ve always been an energetic person, ready to take on the day with enthusiasm. But there came a point when I started feeling tired all the time, despite getting enough sleep.

No matter how many cups of coffee I drank or how many power naps I took, the exhaustion never seemed to lift. I was physically present, but mentally and emotionally, I was running on empty.

This constant fatigue is a common sign among those who appear strong but are breaking inside. It’s not just physical tiredness; it’s an emotional and mental drain that no amount of sleep seems to cure.

If someone you know shows signs of constant fatigue without an apparent cause, it could be a subtle hint that they’re wrestling with internal struggles.

8) They’re more sensitive than usual

People who are strong on the outside but breaking inside can sometimes become more sensitive than usual. Things that they would normally shrug off might upset them, or they may take things more personally than they typically would.

This heightened sensitivity is often a result of their emotional reserves being depleted. They’re so busy trying to keep their struggles hidden and maintaining a strong exterior that they have little energy left to deal with everyday stressors.

If you notice a loved one or friend becoming unusually sensitive, it’s important to approach them with empathy and patience. It’s likely they’re dealing with something difficult beneath the surface, and your understanding can make their journey a bit easier.

9) They stop taking care of themselves

One of the most significant signs that someone is strong on the outside but breaking inside is when they stop taking care of themselves. This can manifest in various ways, from neglecting personal hygiene to not eating properly or ignoring their physical health.

Self-care is often one of the first things to go when we’re dealing with internal struggles. But it’s also one of the most crucial aspects of our wellbeing.

If you notice someone neglecting their self-care, understand that it’s likely a cry for help. They might need a gentle reminder that it’s okay to prioritize their own needs, and that seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness – it’s a step towards healing.

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