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We’ve all heard the term “growth mindset,” but what does it really mean?

At its core, it’s the belief that abilities can be developed through effort, dedication, and a passion for learning.

But how can you tell if someone—or even you—has a growth mindset?

It’s not always obvious—there are subtle, telling behaviors that often reveal it!

After some reflection, I’ve identified 9 key behaviors that people with a growth mindset tend to display.

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of the growth mindset and see if you recognize these traits in yourself or those around you:

1) They embrace challenges

In the landscape of personal growth, challenges are seen not as obstacles, but as opportunities.

Individuals with a growth mindset perceive challenges differently.

Instead of avoiding them, they enthusiastically embrace them. They don’t see them as roadblocks, but rather as stepping stones that lead to personal and professional development.

This doesn’t mean they’re never frustrated or overwhelmed by these challenges.

Rather, they understand that struggles are part and parcel of the journey to improvement. They comprehend that these tough times are not failures, but critical learning experiences.

2) They’re persistent in the face of setbacks

Persistence is a trait often associated with success. But what does it really mean?

Well, in the context of a growth mindset, it’s about maintaining focus and effort, even when things don’t go according to plan.

People with a growth mindset understand that setbacks are inevitable. But here’s the kicker…

Instead of letting these setbacks deter them, they use them as fuel to push harder, to try again, to learn more.

They believe that ability is not fixed but can be improved with effort and experience. Hence, they see setbacks not as evidence of unintelligence or failure, but as a springboard for growth and for stretching their existing abilities.

3) They understand the value of effort over talent

You might think that people with a growth mindset would put a premium on natural talent. After all, they’re all about growth and improvement, right?

Interestingly, that’s not quite the case.

People with a growth mindset appreciate the importance of effort over innate talent. They believe that hard work is more important than simply being “born with it.”

Unlike those who believe in fixed abilities, individuals with a growth mindset see the value in persistence and effort. They understand that while talent provides a head start, it’s the effort that makes the difference in the long run.

4) They’re open to feedback

Ever noticed how some people react to feedback?

People with a growth mindset have a unique approach towards it. They don’t view feedback as criticism or personal attack but see it as an opportunity for improvement.

Feedback, to them, is a tool for learning. It’s not about pointing out flaws, but about identifying areas for growth.

They understand that everyone has room for improvement and feedback is a way to highlight these areas. This viewpoint helps them to stay open and receptive, even when the feedback is tough to hear.

5) They’re lifelong learners

People with a growth mindset have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. They don’t see learning as a phase of life, but rather, a way of life.

Here’s what you might notice about a person with a growth mindset:

  • They’re always reading or learning something new.

  • They’re curious and ask a lot of questions.

  • They’re not afraid to admit they don’t know something.

  • They actively seek out new experiences and opportunities to learn.

This commitment to continual learning is another subtle behavior that signals a growth mindset.

6) They celebrate the success of others

In our competitive world, it can sometimes be hard to genuinely celebrate the success of others, don’t you think?

Yet, people with a growth mindset manage to do just that.

They don’t see someone else’s success as their failure. Instead, they find inspiration and motivation in the achievements of others. They believe there’s enough room for everyone to succeed.

I’ve noticed this in people with a growth mindset. They’re typically the ones cheering for their colleagues, friends, even their competitors.

7) They adapt to change

Imagine you’ve been following a certain routine or working in a particular way for years, and suddenly, you’re required to change. How would you react?

People with a growth mindset tend to adapt well to change. They don’t perceive change as a threat, but as an opportunity to learn something new and evolve.

They understand that the only constant in life is change itself. So instead of resisting it, they embrace it.

What if we could view change not as an inconvenience, but as a chance for self-improvement? How different would our approach be then?

Being open and adaptable to change is another trait that indicates a growth mindset.

8) They’re not afraid of making mistakes

Mistakes – they happen to all of us, don’t they?

In my early career, I remember being terrified of making mistakes. I thought it would make me look incompetent. But over time, I learned that it’s through mistakes we often learn the most valuable lessons.

People with a growth mindset get this. They’re not afraid of making mistakes. In fact, they see them as an essential part of the learning process.

They understand that mistakes are not failures, but opportunities to learn, grow, and improve. It’s about turning those “oops” moments into “ah-ha” moments.

This acceptance and embrace of mistakes is another clear sign of a growth mindset.

9) They believe in the power of yet

And now, we’ve arrived at the final sign – the power of yet.

Those with a growth mindset embrace the concept of “yet”. They understand that they may not know or be able to do something… yet.

They see their potential as limitless. If they can’t do something, it’s not that they’ll never be able to, it’s just that they can’t do it yet.

This simple shift in perspective changes a negative into a positive, a barrier into a goal to overcome.

Embracing the power of yet is perhaps one of the most powerful signs of a growth mindset. It underlines the belief in one’s capacity to grow and improve, no matter where they’re starting from.

What does your mindset look like?

Now that we’ve explored the subtle behaviors exhibited by individuals with a growth mindset, it’s time for self-reflection.

Consider these points:

  • How do you handle feedback and criticism?

  • Do you see failure as an end or as a learning opportunity?

  • Are you comfortable with stepping outside of your comfort zone?

A growth mindset isn’t all or nothing—it’s a spectrum, and we all land somewhere on it.

So don’t worry if you sometimes relate to a fixed mindset.

The beauty of a growth mindset is its focus on growth and improvement, something we can all work toward, one step at a time.

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