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What separates someone with a millionaire mindset from the rest of us? Is it luck, discipline, or just an instinct for wealth-building?

Well, research would suggest that it’s often about the small, subtle behaviors that shape their everyday actions.

Today, we dive into five of these subtle behaviors. How many of them do you already practice?

Let’s find out.

1) Lifelong learning

Did you know that Bill Gates, despite his massive success, still reads about 50 books a year? Or that legendary investor Warren Buffett spends 80% of his day reading?

It’s no coincidence. Lifelong learning isn’t just a hobby for the wealthy—it’s a cornerstone of their mindset.

Socio-economist Randall Bell, Ph.D., who has studied success for more than 20 years, discovered something striking: “Those who read seven or more books per year are more than 122 percent more likely to be millionaires as opposed to those who never read or only read one to three [books].”

The World Economic Forum also ranked “Curiosity and lifelong learning” as the fifth most important core skill in their Future of Jobs Report for 2023.

The takeaway is clear: learning isn’t just optional if you want to build a millionaire mindset—it’s essential.

Now, you might be asking, “But where do I find the time?”

Here are a few simple ways:

  • Listen to podcasts or audiobooks: Whether you’re driving to work, hitting the gym, or even doing household chores, there’s always room for passive learning. Use this time to listen to podcasts on topics that interest you or audiobooks that help expand your knowledge. It’s a simple way to stay informed and grow without carving out extra time in your day.
  • Substitute Netflix for a book: We all enjoy unwinding with a show, but imagine what would happen if you swapped just one episode of Netflix for a chapter of a book each night. That could mean finishing an extra book or two each month. It’s a small change with a big impact.
  • Take micro-learning breaks: Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media during your lunch break, why not spend 10–15 minutes reading articles, watching an educational video, or working through a quick online course? Small bursts of learning throughout the day can add up over time.
  • Set a learning goal: Like anything worth achieving, setting a specific goal helps. Decide how many books you want to read per month or how much time you’ll devote to podcasts each week. Structure creates consistency, and consistency builds habits.

The key is making learning a priority. Once it becomes a habit, it’ll pay off more than you might think.

2) Seeing failure as a stepping stone

I recall a time when I had just started my first business venture. I was enthusiastic, energetic, and full of ideas. Yet, despite all my efforts, the business didn’t take off as I’d hoped. I was crushed. I felt like a failure and contemplated giving up.

That is until I met a self-made millionaire at a networking event who changed my perspective entirely.

He spoke about his journey and how he’d faced failures multiple times in his life. But he viewed every failure not as a setback but as a stepping stone to success. Every failure was a lesson learned, an opportunity to grow and improve.

This conversation drastically shifted my perspective. Rather than wallowing in self-pity, I started to analyze why my business hadn’t succeeded. I learned valuable lessons about market research, customer needs, and effective marketing strategies.

Ever since then, failure has never scared me. Instead, it has become an opportunity to learn and grow – a stepping stone towards success.

People with a millionaire mindset don’t fear failure; they embrace it. They know that,as put by Einstein, “Failure is success in progress.”

Instead of being deterred by it, they use it as fuel to keep moving forward.

3) Setting clear goals

This one should come as no surprise. People with a millionaire mindset don’t just dream about success – they plan for it.

They understand the importance of setting clear, tangible goals. They don’t just say, “I want to be rich.” Instead, they’ll set specific objectives, such as “I want to increase my net worth to a million dollars by the age of 40.”

The effectiveness of this is well-backed by data. As noted by researchers, “Over 1,000 studies have consistently shown that setting high and specific goals is linked to increased task performance, persistence, and motivation, compared to vague or easy goals.”

These goals serve as their roadmap – guiding their decisions and actions. Every step they take, every choice they make, is aimed at moving them closer to their objectives.

But they don’t stop at setting goals. They also devise comprehensive plans outlining how they intend to achieve these targets. They break down their big goals into smaller, manageable tasks and meticulously track their progress.

In short, individuals with a millionaire mindset know where they want to go and have a clear plan on how to get there.

4) Getting up early

Do you struggle to get out of bed in the morning?

You’re not alone, but here’s something to think about. In a study of self-made millionaires, author Thomas C. Corley found that nearly 50% of them woke up at least three hours before their workday officially began.

That’s right—successful people are often early risers, using those quiet morning hours to focus on personal development, plan their day, or tackle important tasks while others are still asleep. It’s no coincidence.

A survey by Sleep Junkie also found that those who wake up earlier not only tend to earn more but also report higher job satisfaction.

The key takeaway?

Early risers gain a head start on their day, boosting their productivity and maintaining a clear, focused mindset. If you’re aiming for a millionaire mindset, consider setting that alarm a little earlier—you might be surprised at how much more you can achieve.

5) Believing in themselves

Perhaps, above all, people with a millionaire mindset have faith in themselves. They believe in their capabilities, their dreams, and their ability to turn these dreams into reality.

They don’t let self-doubt or fear stop them. Instead, they use these feelings as motivation to work harder and prove to themselves that they can achieve what they set out to do.

They understand that success starts from within. If you don’t believe in yourself, no amount of money, connections, or opportunities will lead you to success.

Belief fuels action, and action brings results. That’s the power of self-belief, and it’s at the core of every millionaire mindset.

Final thoughts: The mindset is within your reach

Developing a millionaire mindset isn’t about grand gestures or instant success—it’s about the small, everyday habits that set you on the right path.

Whether it’s committing to lifelong learning, seeing failure as a stepping stone, setting clear goals, or simply getting up early, these subtle behaviors compound over time, driving success in ways you might not even notice at first.

The real question is: How many of these habits are you ready to start adopting?

Small steps taken daily can lead to massive changes down the road. The choice is yours—start today.

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