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You know how it is. You meet a woman who seems to defy time, radiating energy and looking years—sometimes even decades—younger than her actual age. It makes you wonder, what’s her secret?

Over the years, I’ve been fascinated by what really makes certain people age more gracefully. And as it turns out, psychology plays a huge role.

It’s not just about serums and sleep—it’s about how you live, think, and behave daily.

Today, we’re diving into five key habits these ageless women seem to share.

Implementing even a few of these behaviors can make a world of difference in how you look—and feel—at any age.

Let’s get started.

1) They limit stress

Stress is a natural part of life, but constantly living in a state of high stress has a real impact on how we age.

When we’re stressed, our bodies produce more cortisol—a hormone that, in excess, can break down collagen.

Collagen is what keeps our skin looking firm, smooth, and youthful, so when it starts to diminish, our skin shows it.

So, how do you keep stress from stealing your glow?

Find what helps you unwind—whether it’s yoga, deep breathing, a long walk, or simply taking 5 minutes to be mindful and present.

Regularly practicing self-care can go a long way in managing stress, and in turn, keeping you looking and feeling younger.

Stress is inevitable, but learning to manage it is key to a youthful life.

2) Regular exercise is a priority

I’ve got a friend, let’s call her Sarah. Sarah is in her mid-50s but could easily pass for someone in their 30s. Seriously, she’s got the energy of a teenager and the glow of a woman half her age!

Anyway, one day I finally plucked up the courage to ask her what her secret was, she smiled and simply said, “I move.”

Sarah is an advocate for regular exercise. She doesn’t spend hours in the gym or run marathons, but she does make a point to keep active every day.

Whether it’s a brisk walk in the park with her dog or a quick yoga session in her living room, she ensures that she gets her body moving daily.

And this isn’t just anecdotal evidence.

As Linda P. Fried, dean of Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, has said, “Exercise is the closest thing we’ve found to a magic pill for combating the effects of aging.”

Yep, studies have shown that it can slow down our biological clock and keep our brains young!

While you don’t need to follow an intense workout regimen like an athlete, incorporating some form of exercise into your daily routine can help you both look and feel younger.

Trust me, Sarah is living proof of it!

3) They prioritize sleep

How often do you find yourself burning the candle at both ends, thinking you can catch up on sleep later?

The truth is, sleep is non-negotiable when it comes to looking and feeling youthful.

Experts have pointed out that “sleep deprivation in both men and women was related to looking significantly more fatigued, having more hanging eyelids, redder eyes, more swollen eyes, darker circles under the eyes, more wrinkles/lines around the eyes, more droopy corners of the mouth, and being perceived as more sad.”

In short, missing out on sleep takes a serious toll on your appearance.

To make sleep a priority, try setting a regular bedtime, limiting screen time before bed, and establishing a relaxing nighttime routine.

Simple habits like drinking herbal tea or meditating can also help signal to your body that it’s time to wind down.

Beauty sleep is real, and making it a priority is one of the easiest ways to keep your youthful glow intact.

4) They limit screen time

Here’s one you probably weren’t expecting: Limiting screen time can actually help you look younger.

In our digital age, it’s easy to spend hours on end staring at screens, whether it’s your phone, laptop, or TV. But all that screen time comes with a hidden downside—blue light exposure.

As noted by the folks at WebMD:

“Research shows blue light from electronic devices can lead to changes in your skin cells, including cell shrinkage and death. These speed up the aging process. Even exposures as short as 60 minutes can trigger these changes.”

This means that all those hours scrolling through social media or working late into the night can contribute to premature aging of the skin.

To combat this, try setting boundaries around your screen time.

Simple changes like using blue light filters, taking regular breaks from your devices, and setting a “screen curfew” before bed can make a big difference.

5) They practice self-care

Self-care can mean different things to different people. For me, it’s as simple as taking a few minutes each day to write in my journal and reflect on my thoughts and feelings.

This small act of kindness towards myself has made a huge difference in my overall well-being and outlook on life.

Women who look younger than their age often have self-care routines that they hold dear. It could be a skincare routine, a special diet, a workout regimen, or even a weekly spa day at home.

These routines not only help them look good on the outside but also make them feel good on the inside.

Self-care is about taking care of your mental, emotional, and physical health. When you feel good, it radiates outwards and can make you look more youthful and vibrant.

It’s not about being selfish or indulgent. It’s about recognizing that you deserve to be taken care of, and sometimes, the best person to do that is you.

Final thoughts

Incorporating these habits into your daily routine may seem small, but they can have a huge impact on how you look and feel over the years.

Limiting stress, staying active, getting enough sleep, cutting down on screen time, and embracing self-care aren’t just habits—they’re investments in your future self.

Here’s to looking—and feeling—your best at every stage of life!

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